okay, its driving me crazy! does anybody know where i can get this jacket. i've spent about 2 months trying to find it, with no luck. this lil jacket right here
i see zipper's later on with that shirt..after i got out of the army.. if only i could fit in the shirts and pants,now....
that looks like a *european* light army fatigue jacket with an added zipper craig. Looks just like mine : http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b366/DanielGravesNL/Photographs/Campics008.jpg http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b366/DanielGravesNL/Photographs/Campics006.jpg ireland, those shirts don't usually have zippers, do they ? *seeing as mine don't*
Auslander and The Fiend are correct. It is an Army fatigue jacket. The were different styles, The Zipper is the give away. Fatigue shirts buttoned up.I still have mine from 1972 in Korea. Mine has an attached hood. The fantastic wool liner that buttoned in did not make it stateside. I still wear it as a windbreaker fishing. Great big pockets. Brings back fond memories for 13 month there. Hi times backpacking the mountains and bicycling. Euijombu, South Korea where original MASH hospital was. Saw the movie there for the first time. So long ago. Edit: I process of taking picture
No Aus, we're not. Old photo. Cool Garmoon, i'd like to see an older version of that jacket, see if it changed. Mine has buttons under the collar so you can put on a removable hoodie.
that's too bad, dan. i've got an old fatigues jacket like that in my closet at home. a pocket is ripped, but other that, it's in great shape...not bad for a 'Nam survivor.
cool, thanx people... i didn't expect so many replys. so... umm... so far its sounding "custom made" or something... ah well im going to do a lil search for "Army fatigue jacket" and if i still cant find it, i'll use evilh0ly's idea - asking him on MySpace...
my bride dug out me old army shirts and jacket,there for a 145lb guy,i and now 225lb.. i would say i would have a problem getting in them..