I have been backing up PSX and PS2 games for years and would like to do the same for Xbox. I have never had an internal mod ever. For my PSX I had a plug-mod and for PS2 i've just done cog/knife trick and flip top. I am interested in having a Xecutor Lite installed into my Xbox and I was wondering if anyone knows a good place to have it installed at around the Bay Area, CA? If there aren't any notable ones, what are some good sites that you can mail my Xbox to for installation? I was also thinking of doing a Matrix mod myself. I have installed a Flipltop to my Ps2, is it harder? Any instructions or suggestions are about anything are welcome. Thanks!
check out seamonkey's site. http://www.geocities.com/daseamonkey420/xbox.html my friend and installed the matrix chip in each of our xbox's within 15 minutes. take a few tries to get the chip to lign up. here's a site with the instructions to install the matrix chip. http://www.easybuy2000.com/store/downloads/manuals/index.html go to the bottom and click the link. it's a .zip file. hope this helps. but for future stuff, try using the search feature ;-)
What is the best place to order a Matrix with the programmer? I heard that some places do not include the programmer with the chip so i'd like to know what sites send everything and have good service and packing. Muchos gracias amigos.
i ordered my matrix chip from easybuy2000.com but some people say they've had problems with ordering from them. when my friend ordered his, it took 3 months for him to get his. it took me 2 weeks to get mine and it was on backorder as well. just a suggestion.
i freaking hate easybuy2000 i seriously if i could meet anyone from thier company i will kill them!!! YOU HEAR ME YORU COMPANY SUCKS MY BALLS!!!!! i fusking hate easybuy i have had 2 from them the 1st one got way fucked up so i thought it was maybe just that one time so i orderd off them again and even more bs than the 1st time. i say get ur shit from somwhere else, need to put shitty companys out of buisness ad if ur in the us and u thin since they are in canada and pay 20 bucks for next day delivery ur better off getting ur products from a hong kong based company cuz ull get it alot faster from a diff country fusk EASY BUY fusk THEM UP THIER STUPID ASSES! i know i mispelled a bunch of shit but i dont care
hmmm... decisions... X2 mini chip + installation + no shipping (local pickup, it's only a few minutes away) = $70 Matrix chip ($59) + having to install it myself + easybuy's notoriously slow shipping ($5.50)= $64.50 Looks like i'll be having mine installed at: www.psx-tech.com At least this way I know I won't destroy my console, and I won't have to worry about about opening the console everytime the matrix gets loose (which seems to be a common problem).