please someone help me rencode a dvd-9 to fit a dvd-r what program is best i hear cinema craft encoder sp version 2.50 i dont know hoe to put movie into cce because it only reads certain files only
Don't know what you ripped your DVD-9 with - You have to get past the copy protection and then compress your DVD-9 I like DVD Shrink - It's free, will rip your movies in generally 30 to 40 minutes. It allows you to compress your larger DVD-9's to the necessary 4.36GB keep in or remove menus and trailers (re-author) and provides you with a nice neat VIDEO_TS folder for you to have Nero or CloneDVD burn for you. Head down this-a-way to download the program and read their step by step guide - A powerful program, easy to use - Enjoy, "P"
[bold]use dvd x copy xpress. copy the whole movie to one dvd-r with the menus/special features. i have great success with it. very simple to use. a 1st grader can probably do it.
stunn611, Quite a few of us have 321's DVD XCopy Xpress however the main drawback with that program is their opening "Warning tag". No such tag with DVDShrink - and recently I have been working with DVD2one - did the "trial thing" and liked it so much I bought it. - it is a "No Brainer" to operate, and cheaper than DVD XCopy Xpress - "P"