Um should I switch to another antivirus program? I currently have AVG Antivirus (free edition,latest one) cuz my Mcafee expired..I don't wanna pay for antivirus so I'm looking forward to free antivirus programs. Should I stick with AVG or is there another free antivirus that is better?
Avg is fine - get a good firewall and spyware incase you havent... Read this guide: Np,
I have the default windows firewall and I currently have Windows Defender Beta 2. Um is this good? Thx alot
Ok download this: ZoneAlarm(firewall): And Ewido(anti spyware): This will put you straight... You might want to run Ewido once downloaded...for peace of mind D/w if you get hits called tracking cookies these are normal... Get back to me Np,
Hi avast anti-virus is free and does a great job.It has caught many viruses over the months I've used it.It is updated constantly with new definitions and has a user friendly interface. Here look at the other user reviews and a download place.It's scored 4.5 of of 5 over a total of 1,706 votes
um yes well i checked AVG antivirus and it had about 9 million downloads compared with Avast with about 3 million..Avast may be better but ill stick to AVG antivirus but thx alot anyways~
yes i would agree that Avast is better than avg but both are good couple other tools to download that are free is CCleaner,EasyCleaner and HighjackThis but be carefull using that one SmithfraudFix is a great tool also. if you decide to get a program you have to pay for go with the Trend Mirco or NOD32
hm i'l think about downloading avast. Um could you tell me the difference between Avast And AVG please? If I only knew that,I would know which one to download. Thx again~
Avast scans and deletes malware also where avg doesnt. its just a better program . make sure you uninstall avg BEFORE you load avast though
Zone Alarm firewall was suggested to you in this thread, if you did decide to install that, uninstall Avast now. Last time I checked, ZA conflicted with several of Avast's real time scanning features, rendering it useless. This will be sorted out soon, for now use another free AV, read here for some: Aparently its being worked on, anyway I think AVG free should do for anyone, if now I want to know why. I use Kaspersky Anti Virus (Use NOD32 on all my other comps, prefere NOD32 too!) + Kerio Personal Firewall (Agnitum's Outpost was great, recently switched) + Counterspy, I stay rather clean. I usually install AVg free/Avast Free + ZA Free/Outpost free + Spyware Gaurd/Windows Deffender on comps I am working with, the free combination has never failed me.
rav whats the Kaspersky Anti Virus run price wise per year I'M using the "Trend Mirco" and like it alot though
Hi aabbccdd Its £24 pounds per year for Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0, but for an anti virus that has a 99.99% detection rate its probably worth it, its surprisingly light on resources too I prefere NOD32, thats just me, if your using Trend Micro and like it you may aswell stick to it, your not missing anything
Yeah it works great, really theres no reason to change both the NOD32 and the Trend Mirco are top notch products
I found this thread useful and didn't want to start my own only to get the same replies, so I thought I'd add a quick question to this thread. I'm formatting my computer today, starting over from scratch. I've been using Norton 2006 and I want to get away from it. Now, I've had a friend tell me to go with TrendMicro, and another friend tell me to go with NOD32. If it makes any difference, I don't mind paying for my program either, but I'd like a little more feedback if possible. If it comes down to TrendMicro vs. NOD32 vs. Avast vs. AVG vs. there one or two that are significantly better than the rest? From what I'm told, Norton is apparently very protective, but it's a pain and I've grown to hate it. I just want to be as protected as I can be, without running Norton. I realize it'll depend in part on the user, but I'd really like to hear some opinions on which one/two anti-virus program(s) are above all the rest. I think now is the time for me to make the switch, as I'm getting a clean start with my PC. Thanks. Edit: There's also a free anti-virus program called "F-SECURE" offered by my ISP. I'm wondering if anyone has heard of this, or if anyone uses it? It's allegedly very reputable and respected, but I've never heard of it, so I'm again, looking/hoping for feedback.
Pangy, dont let norton touch your newly reformatted machine lol i use the "Trend Mirco PC-cillin Internet Security 2006" its the top rated anti-virus out there along with NOD32 so either will be fine and yes better than the free apps(AVG or Avast). being they have a great firewall app with them. a couple other programs you should run also is a real time spyware program .my top picks are the "Trend Mirco Anti-Spyware 3.0" and "Spysweeper" i run both. good free apps are "Ewido" "Windows Defender" "hjt" "CCleaner" and "EasyCleaner" i run all theses apps keeping my machine squeaky clean. shoot us back if you have any questions
zone alarm internet security suit is the best... features - Antivirus (no more crashing) - Antispyware (no more pop ups) - Firewall (block hackers/bad ranges & ports) - Program Control (select which programs can do what) - Privacy protection (clears cookies and cache daily) - Identy protection (all input information is protected) - Instant Messaging protection (blocks out known bad links) - Parental Control (don't want your kids to see something.) remember all of these can be adjusted to your liking.... it's the best overall program i used... i rather have this then have 5 different programs when one just does it all.. come on now.. AVG for antivirus.. ad aware for spyware, something else for firewall.. why not just get it all.. =]