I just cross-flashed my External Norwood Micro to BenQ BSLB firmware and burned Verbatim Media (MCC004). It turned out nice (96 Score using Nero Speed). I was just wondering if any member could point out the best firmware to burn that kind of media @8X. It's not that I'm not happy with the results. It's just that I hoped for better scores, like the 98.5 I get from TUDENT002.
I've got that 1640 in my 598 mhz celeron pc. The gf put yahoo messenger on it and now takes 10 mins just to do the initial analsis with dvd shrink. I get very few 98 scores. I can't even remember the firmware version. I also didn't test a whole lot of backups from that 1640. I did get better scans than my 1650. I can't even locate Yuden000-T02 media any more. I got a couple hundred stashed away for emergency. Watch out for slow burning. Of all my benqs,the only issue I had was when burning at 2.4x,on the 1640,with MCC-004 media.Too many crc errors. Those mitsubishi's have to be burned at least 8x. 12x backups scored way better than 4x backups. This media was designed to be burned at 16x,unlike majority of the 16x media out there.
Hi, To get the best out of your drive, Crossflash again this time to either BEFB or BEGB. Both these f/w's are for BenQ's own external drive the 164B. http://support.benq.com/front/BenqM...langu=null&ops=null&GenMenu=&RootId=undefined