Im purchasing a dvd burner asap for my laptop. External usb 2.0 blah blah. My choices are: LG - 16x External Double-Layer DVD±RW/CD-RW Super MultiDrive with LightScribe Model: GSA E10L SKU: 7790287 OR Lite On - EZ-DUB 16x External Double-Layer DVD±RW/CD-RW Drive Model: SOHW-1673SU SKU: 7622021 OR: MEMOREX EXTERNAL 16x16 DUAL FORMAT DVD±RW & 4x DVD+R DUAL LAYER, USB 2.0 & iEEE 1294 CONNECTION which comes w/ (could'nt find Model#) Memorex-customized Nero Software Suite includes: Nero Express 6.3 Nero InCD Nero Vision Express 2 Nero InCD Nero BackITup Nero Showtime Nero Recode 2 Nero Cover-Designer Nero Tool Kit Photoshow Deluxe Decisions/ Decisions- Im hoping there will be a rock solid concensus. I need to buy it at Best Buy since i have a buttload of gift certificates. These are my options for external usb dvd burners. Im running windows xp pro w/ plenty of RAM and CPU. I use anydvd and a nifty intervideo application. 1. Which burner to buy?, 2.which media?, (since i found out the media is a huge deal). 3. By the way, do i need to worry about whether or not the burner comes with software since i already have my own? THANK YOU
i just bought the lite - on ez dub from walmart, used it last night, worked awesome on Mission Impossible 3. i have heard from other user that lite on is a very good burner and reliable.