hey i was wondering which chip to buy for my xbob. i was thinking the matrix or the exucter 3ce. any recomendations? and alos which chips i should stay away from. thanks
Check the modchip forums here: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php . I have a Xenium chip, it has worked well for me (last 2 years or so). None of them are mainstream consumer products, so there are occassional problem stories on all of them it seems to me, check what the recent users of each of the chips have to say in those forums, compare the features (I believe there's a comparison chart somewhere on that site), and go from there.
ok i want to buy a chip. so what would be better to go for a chip i have to solder the whole thing or a solderless chip? cost doesnt really matter. i have heard that the connection between the board and the solderless chip can be triky in the sense of were the chip meets the board part. thanks a lot for your help
hey its me again i was thinking of the exucter 3/3ce. does anybody know anything about this chip? thanks
Yeah, the solderless ones work great for some people, but other times they can give people trouble - on mine, I had to wedge a little folded up scrap of paper under one corner to get the screw to hold the "pogo pins" tight enough against the mobo contacts to not keep coming loose. Next time I crack open the case, I'll solder it in place. If you're reasonably comfortable with a soldering iron, and you don't plan on selling the box eventually or otherwise taking the chip out, I would solder it in and be done with it. Oh, and don't know much about the newer Xecuter chip, although they seem to have a decent reputation.
I you do a pinheader install it will probably take you no more than five minutes to solder the chip in. unless you have a v1.0 xbox. then you will have to desoder the lpc ports which are a pain in the ass. the xecuter 3 chip is state of the art when it comes to the xbox. if cost dont matter get that chip. or get the xecuter 2.6 which has worked fine for me.
Hello I am having problems choosing a chip. I have a v1.4 xbox and i was wondering if a solderless Spider Chip v1.1 would be ok. I also looked at a chip that my friend recommended Please let me know what you would choose.