I'm sooo very happy to have found this site. been looking all over for some help to choose which program to use for backing up my dvd collection. I am mainly concern with the quality of the output file, and are looking for the one that yield the best result quality wise, long encoding time and ease of use is not a big concern for me. Here are the list of programs that i'm currently consider trying: -InterVideo DVD Copy 2 -Pinnacle Instant Copy 8 -DVD Shrink -321XCopy Platinum -DVD2One -DVD Cloner II All other suggestions are more than welcome. thank you all.
i think that dvd2one is the best but it cost dvd shrink work good too and it is free ive use both and cant see the differece unless the movie is long, 3 or more hours
A thread with the same exact title as yours if you'd searched http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/88038
I notice in the review some of the programs tested were older versions, now with most of them having newer versions, is the rating still the same?
I'd ask the fellows in the thread I linked, they'd know better than I and I'm sure they'd be happy to help.
nxq, If you read the thread, you'll see the general consensus was Rebuilder/CCE(not for beginners) for long movies, Pinnacle InstantCopy 8 and Intervideo DVDCopy 2 close for 2nd and 3rd with an edge to dvdcopy2 because of speed. Some people have white pixelation problems with DVDCopy2 and authoring in IC 8 isn't all that great. Most of us use DVDRemake to re-author for all anyway.
thank you for your help guys. I've been using Instant Copy 8 with great results. only one problem though, the output files always end up lower than the 4.31G mark. sometime as low as 3.xxG, is there anything i can do to fix this problem?
Funny you should mention that, I just saw a post about that exact same thing in another thread. I'm not sure because mine have always come in at around 4.3. I do know in most of my apps you can change your destination size by going from auto to custom, then type it in. I will check it out and get back to ya. It does seem that i saw somewhere you can't, but that doesn't make sense. It's too good a prog not to be able to. Going from say 3.9 to 4.3 would make a huge difference on compressing over a 2 hour period. If it's only at 4.2 or so I wouldn't worry about it, you really don't want to go clear to the edge of the disc anyway. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]........Dell Media4600, XP home,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz, 512MB, 280 HD w/8MB, 17" flat panel, AIO-A920, 8x DVD-ROM, integrated 5.1 audio, HP dc4000, Plextor PX-708UF[/small]
[bold]nxq[/bold] hold your horses, I just remembered something. Just before you're ready to burn in IC8, look at your compression slider. You can take that slider and slide it til your green line turns red. Then back off about .2. This should correct the problem, it's been a while since I used it (been working in Remake and Rebuilder/CCE). That may be why I didn't have the size problem others have. I kinda discovered this on my own, don't think it's in the guides. [bold]drake,[/bold] shrink's final and newest version is out this week. Supposed to be all that in the quality department. Other than that, no changes. You're wrong about the final consensus, 1-Rebuilder/CCE for long movies 2&3-DVDCopy2 and IC8 _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]........Dell Media4600, XP home,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz, 512MB, 280 HD w/8MB, 17" flat panel, AIO-A920, 8x DVD-ROM, integrated 5.1 audio, HP dc4000, Plextor PX-708UF[/small]
Probably NOT. The features differ, more than the quality of the actual rip/burn part. SHRINK gives you a very nice layout of your DVD and lets you plan what to keep and what to leave out. A lot of us just use SHRINK just for that purpose, even if we decide to use a different program for the actual rip'n burn. SHRINK does get rid of the menu. Some like this, others don't. DVDCopy2 is very fast, you DO need another program to remove the encryption ( Region-free, AnyDVD, ..). I also like it because it lets you burn very easily to Divx, VCD, SVCD. I recently bought a very inexpensive Philips DVD player that is easily hacked to be region-free and it plays Divx recordings. Just a couple of small considerations. If ALL you want is occasionally back up one of your DVD's and you don't care too much about menu's etc...every program will do. DO remember though that Decrypter and SHRINK are free and DON'T require removal of encryption. Good Luck.
Drake, I agree with siber up to a point(siber,you knew it was comin', didn't ya? lol) 1- you don't have to have anydvd, dvd43, dvdregion free, etc., you can use decrypter to rip in FILE mode. Take those files and use them in any other app you wish. Actually these "on the fly" tools, they don't de- encrypt, contrary to popular belief, they kinda remove it. 2-I do like menus, for this reason I don't use shrink except as an analytical tool or if the compression is negligiable. 3- Until the new shrink is out, no one knows about that yet, but, you CAN tell a BIG difference between shrink and IC 8 or DVDCopy 2. I guarantee that unless your on a 12" screen. (even then I would say yes) In the end it just matters what you're comfortable with, I am probably pickier than most, and i will always search for better methods of backing DVD's. I can't help it, it's a disease.
Bigorange, thank so much. With IC 8 i always slide the bar all the way until it reach the limit at 4.32G, maybe that was what i did wrong, will try as you suggest. I like using IC 8 because it lets me take out the extras like previews while still keeping the menu while the current shrink version doesn't. Can't wait to test out the new shrink when it comes out. Wonder if the DVD Copy 2 let you take out the previews and extras while keeping the menus?
nxq, most certainly yes, in fact, DVDCopy 2 has a much better reauthoring prog than IC 8, in my opinion. I really like 'em both, be hard to pick one over the other. DVDCopy 2 is much faster (hard to believe with the quality it puts out). Sometimes I get pixelation problems in DVDCopy 2, not often, but sometimes. I like to use DRM to edit and then use IC 8 to compress and burn. Hope this helps, see ya!