any game from any platform. I'm going for the blatently obvilous Goldeneye/Conker's Bad Day combo. considering how New Mario Bros. diddy kong racing and SM64 have been done these two are easily the masses choice. However one key aspect of goldeneye was the control stick and the controller. If they incorperate a touch screen for movement, D pad for aim and buttons for actions you'll need to grow an extra hand. either way getting the ability of running in 2 directions (Strafing) and diffiating your direction/aim in 2 axis and also firing is a very common tactic for cheat runs. With Conker BFD i think the legal issues of Microsoft buying Rare AND remaking it on the Xbox will make it unappealing/impossible compared to getting a 'kiddy' game like Diddy racing. Never the less i think many would buy it. Or maybe a banjo kazooie but with swearing and toilet humour and many movie references(without lame ones like Men in black, christ that film sucked) Your suggestions/comments?
I would want a super smash bros for the ds, even thoguh i prefer it in the house Id love to be able to play it anywhere
Any game, any platform? You asked for it. The Ancient Art of War at Sea. Man I used to love that thing.
donkey kong 64 and legend of zelda OoT and MM most def would be awesome on the DS oo and starcraft/warcraft would be nice to see on the DS
zelda Ocarina of time, killer instinct, mario allstars, final fantasy 7, 8 and 10, although the last one is impossible as its a ps2 game but it would be cool.
i would like to see a new Punch-Out game featuring "Little Mac" with "Doc".i like the simple left,right punches.maybe add some new punches like right,left hooks,and uppercuts.
another one for me is rollercoaster/zoo tycoon i've had so much time spent on those why not spend more time whilst trazelling and on holiday!
some platformers from the snes id love to see super mario world, the three super starwars games, oh and star wing and jurassic park, some of the sierra rpgs, and monkey island's some old skool pc car games, hot rod harry and streed rod 2 i know you can emulate some of these. but i can never get them to work properly.
Roller coaster tycoon would be great, especially if there was a co-op mode with it or a sort of battle mode. Zoo tycoon already exists of course