In this sticky post there is a review of which application produces the best quality compressed reproduction of a dvd. This review says it's Intervideo DVDCopy v1.2. At their site they're upto v4. I'm wondering if the same still holds true? I have used mostly dvd shrink and decrypter occasionally. What do the experts say? thanks!
Stick with what works - Shrink and Decryper are a great, free combination that produces good quality. There are other combinations but I do not think Intervideo DVDCopy is one of them (never heard of it) - and I assume they will sell it to you for a special price.
My opninon for what it's worth is that the best quality Back-Up can be done with CloneDVD 2 & AnyDVD . I've tried about all others, including Decrypter & Shrink with Nero. CloneDVD 2 has them beat, Big time!
I copy "movie only." For movies under 2 hours (80% compression and higher), I use Recode2. For movies over 2 hours (below 80% compression), I use DVD-RBPro/HCEnc. I never thought that I would want to wait longer for the DVD-RB process, but for movies like the Godfather Trilogy, Scarface, the Star Wars series, etc, the results are noticeably superior. And for only $10 for the Pro version of DVD-RB, it is well worth it... You can get Recode2 in the Nero OEM Suite 3 for $8...