Which lossless format, media player and conversion software?

Discussion in 'Audio' started by DaveO1959, Apr 27, 2006.

  1. DaveO1959

    DaveO1959 Member

    Dec 8, 2004
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    I was thinking it was about time I re-ripped my CD collection into a loss-less format having upgraded my PC's hard drive but I need to use a compressed format to play my music on my Archos AV440.

    So what I am after is a seamless mechanism to have the files converted on-the-fly from the loss-less format on the PC to a suitable format when I sync my music to my AV440.

    The Archos AV440 that supports Windows Media @ 128kbps and all the MP3 bit rates.

    There is a plug-in available for Windows Media player 10 that will convert form the loss-less windows media format to 128kbps when you sync to the Archos but I was wondering if there was a better alternative?

    I know there are other loss-less formats out there, but I am unsure of what media players support them for playback on the PC and how they compare to Windows Media Player 10 to use specifically when syncing (and converting) music to the player.

    Ideally I'd like to be able to use better than the 128kbps windows media format with the Archos e.g. 320 kbps MP3 but to do that I need to be able to convert from whatever loss-less format the files are in on the PC to MP3.

    The Windows Media player solution with the plug-in is seamless and easy to use as it lets me export play lists and will do the conversion, so should I take the easy option and just rip to loss-less Windows Media format and use the existing conversion plug-in with my Archos?

    Or is there an equivalent that would let me do the same but going from a different loss-less format to MP3 @ 320 kbps?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    The only other program as dedicated as WMP 10 is iTunes. With iTunes you can use Apple-Lossless and convert those files to Mp4 (M4a) or Mp3.

    For all others (ie Flac, Monkys Audio, ect...) use dBpowerAMP to convert to Mp3 or WMA.


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