Hi im looking to get an external hd, these are the three i have narrowed it down to, the prices of them are all similar but i want to know which is the best out of three: 1) http://www.pcworld.co.uk:80/martprd/product/seo/959744 2) http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/1TB-Buffalo-DriveStation-TurboUSB-with-Power-Saving-Mode-(HD-CE10TU2) 3) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Western-Digital-Essential-External-Drive/dp/B000W9RNOA
They all seem like pretty solid drives. The high-gloss WD will look like crap very quickly though since it will pick up scratch marks very easy. I'd go with the WD Elements.
jordan25 - Hey There Lil' Bucarroo !!!! why not make your own assuming you can get a enclosure that you like for a reasonable fee !!! Then you can get the exact hDD you want to put it in and not be subject to the whim of the Manufacturer = Sometimes The Hdd Manufacturers put their Slower DRives in the Externals to get a little more shelf life from a slow drive - before they phase it out of their product line !!! something to consider. But all else being equal if your happy with the rated performance specs on the externals your looking at and it would be cheaper to buy a premade External than to make one then go for it !! if akll the specs are the same or very close to the same then pick the unit with the best warranty if the warranties are the same Then buy the Chaepest one or whichever one you like best ? That's a cop out as they say but in the end it's your decision Good luck and happy Shopping !!!! - Maybe Father Christmas will bring you one if you've Been a Good Lad this year ??? -Ho. Ho, Ho !!!!!