What type of blank DVD's should I buy? They would be for a one time only burn for movies. Thanks, NOS
What type of DVD writer do you have? Will it burn to -R or +R dvd's, or both? As for brand names then it's got to be Ritek or Verbatim.
I can't remember. It's at my cousins house. I'm pretty sure it does DVD-RW's as well. Are you referring to the dvd blank brand names? I was going to buy some blank Imation discs today at K-mart..
Yes I am. Ritek discs are one of the best and cheapest discs around but they come under different labels. Ritek, Ridata, Ridisc and probably a few others too
Hmmm. K-mart has the Imation discs in packs of 5 for $9.99 and other stores have various other brands at 3 for $9.99...I've had alot of success with cd-r blanks with Imation so I think I'll give them a shot. I still don't know which type to get. DVD-R or DVD+R but if need be I can call up my cousin and find out what brand he has. nos
Well like I said it's at my cousins house so I'm not sure. I'm not even sure what the difference is between the -R and +R so I'm going to look around the net.
Well I've looked around a bit and I can't seem to find what the differences are so if one of you guys could help me out I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
you have to check your burner some will burn +r some -r and some will burn both the same applies with your standalone dvd player some play +r some -r and some play both instead of getting for getting your media from k-mart you should check some online stores. here's a good link to get you started http://www.newegg.com/app/viewproductdesc.asp?description=17-132-344&DEPA=1
Thank you for the link. I'm going to call my cousin soon and ask. He just got the burner(for free!) so before I buy in bulk I'm just going to get a few to see if I can even copy a movie. I have one last question before I go out. Once the disc is finalised will it work in all dvd players despite being -r or +r like a normal dvd movie from the store?