Hi all. Have been lurking for a little while and have learned a lot. Took me several tries but finally got Windows XP loaded up and running - but not without quitting on me every now and then. The ?? is , I just got Nero Ultra 6 from Fry's (for ever returning your s@&^) with a $50 rebate final price $20. I know from reading the forums that IN CD is a no-no to load and will cause conflicts. What other programs do I load/need from Nero 6 ultra on our PC to back up my "data"? thanks
as far as need goes, you only need nero burning rom (package 1). as far as what to load goes, load everything except Incd. This will give you the burner program, nero recode (virtually same as shrink but retains menus after re-author....better than shrink imho), nero showtime (dvd player) and a variety of system speed/spec tools
As well as the Nero suite, minus InCD, you might want to try out some of the free programs. Recode2 doesn't decrypt files on its own. So, you will have to get a decryter program to go along with it. DVD Decrypter is a good free item and the guides are available here at AD. AnyDVD is a background decrypter that works well, however it is a retail item. The free program DVD Shrink works well with the Nero burning ROM. Shrink decrypts and encodes for Nero to burn. The guide for Shrink is available here at AD. DVD Decrypter (free) + Recode2 (Nero) = DVD Movie backup DVD Shrink (free) + Burning ROM (Nero) = DVD Movie backup These are two methods for using your Nero without incurring additional cost (assuming your purchase included the pack with the Recode2).
Thanks, guys for the help. One more question. I have a HP cd-burner, R/RW and I want to keep it for data back-up and just use the Pioneer 107 for DVD back-up's. The software that is bundled w/that drive (HP) has Roxio in it. Could I use one of the "free" software on AD to do this- copy disk to disk and some MP3's? Don't want to wear out the Pioneer. Or should I scrap the HP and just use the Pioner, instead? thank you again.
Hope you turn off the Roxio and Drag to Disk while recording DVD. It can sometimes cause problems with some software. Your choice of drives has to be a personal one. The HP CD RW will lighten the load for burning CDs and playing them as well. A DVD ROM drive would also lower the load by playing the DVDs and leaving the burner to only do the burn. So you need to decide which you would prefer, an extra DVD ROM or a CD RW. Which would you use the most is one question. Cost, we already know which wins out there. As for Copy software, your Nero does CD as well as the DVD. Haven't you checked out all your options with the program suite? _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] [/small]