I have a Sagem Dbox which is currently operating with Sporster pro 1.02. The image date is November 13, 2005. Now I gather this is not the latest software but I do have a lot of channels. I don't think I receive all channels. For instance I noticed I don't get Hallmark for some reason. I can watch (educational purposes only of course)adult fantasy and playboy channels but none of the other "adult" channels are viewable. All I have is the page to press the red button. I don't want to flash the box-partly I don't want to knacker it and partly as not 100% sure what to do. The pictures I receive are stable although sometimes I have to reboot box but no more than once a day. So the question is how old is my image and is there any benefit in upgrading to a new image?? Steve
Have you tried a new services file? there's a link on a thread further down. Most use the Sportster 1.75 but I prefer Commando 6
The box came with the software on (two weeks ago) and after i did a full scan I have what I have. I undertsood a full scan overwrote the services.xml file on the box or am I wrong? As I said I am reasonably happy with what I have because it works but if new image will give me more and it is easy to connect to laptop to flash then I'll have a go. Any views??
Yes it overwrites the file but sometimes you have to do more than one scan, especially if your signal is a bit week or noisy. A new services file will have all available channels on it and a new image will have more up to date emu's that will descramble the channels better as your's might not have the latest keys.
Cheers. Will need to get crossover cable connector for my network cable before I can do all that. Presumably a UTP Crossover Adaptor (Male - Female)will suffice as this plugs onto end of network cable?? To flash I connect the network cable with attachment to the box (crossover adapter goes into Dbox??) and also connect my null modem cable. I then run IFA software and follow the tutorial I guess.
I already have a null modem cable with usb connection already and of course I have a network cable. Crossover cable connector is £5 in Maplins. Dbox nowhere near my router so will have to plug into my laptop. This is all exciting. Spent many years flashing satellite receiver which is much easier than this but heh I like a challenge! Really appreciate your input Fekker. The tutorials are great but sometimes you just need someone to say this is what you have to do and don't worry about the rest of the blurb.
You use the crossover cable. You need to download a FTP programme like SmartFTP. Once running you have an address panel (like Internet Explorer) where you put the IP address you gave the Dbox (Nokia need a password= USERNAME= root PASSWORD= dbox2. You browse to the ZAPPIT folder VAR/TUXBOX/CONFIG/ZAPPIT (this from memory but is similar to that)You will see services.xml & bouquets.xml, drag and drop them to your PC, once you flash a new image, give the box an IP address again go to the ZAPPIT folder again and drag the files from PC to DBox overwriting the ones there. Reboot box and all your previous channels are there.
Thanks Mate Image I flashed seems to be holing up at the moment but if I have to have to flash new image will give this a go first.Am I right in saying doing this will save me having to do a scan once the new image has been flashed. Charlie.
Yes that is correct, once you put those files back your channels will be as before. Just a note, if some channels disappear from the prog menus at any time you can go to that folder & delete MYSERVICES.xml and they will be back after a reboot.
Hi Mate Just trying to save my bouquets as discussed.Downloaded smart ftp connected box via crossover cable plugged box into mains and put IP address into client.Message comes up sating a connection failed because the connected party did not properly respond.I kept trying but still no joy.Disabled firewall & anti virus.still no joy.any advice. Charlie.
Hi Mate Which IP address do I need to put into the smart ftp.Is it the one from the box or the one from the PC.Dont realy know what I am doing so any help you can give would be appreciated as simply as possible,not exactly computer literate. Thanks. Charlie.
that is incorrect - as long as both pc and dbox are on the same subnet it doesnt matter if one is higher than the other