I just ordered a g6 lite, mainly because it fits perfectly in the ds lite without sticking out, it lacks upgradable memory, but it seems the most compatible with commericial roms and homebrew.
If you plan on watching videos etc. on your DS go for the M3, if it's purely for homebrew and games, get the G6. I've recently bought a G6 Lite to replace my M3CF, can't wait to get it
easy choice m3 perfect mini sd, I cant be limited to just 4 or 5 games, and no upgradeable memory, 512 mb aint nothing when it comes to ds games, no less emulator's , and video ha! edit and the g6 is no more compatible than any m3 there the same software wise.
Same makers dosn't mean same software, also 512MB is enough for more than 5 average games, most games are 32MB at the the moment, a few are more, a few are less, the average amount of games for 512MB is considered to be 7-8, which i'd reckon is more than enough games to play on until you feel the need to swap any. On my 1GB card for example i have 10 DS games, these only take up 498MB of the card (plus 10MB for saves). And as I use my PSP for video, I don't need to store video on my G6 when I get it.
Overall, they are pretty much similar... G6 will fit perfectly with limited memory, M3 has video capabilites with expandable memory. Both can place backuped commericial roms. Both of them can also "dump roms" with the M3 dumper program correct? Oh yeah, and both of them require a passme to work correct?
so the g6 lite wouldn't be faster? I would assume that it would be since it uses it's own onboard flash memory, and usually onboard memory is read faster than from a memory card, meaning it would be more compatible with games that use video and other things that require faster streaming.
They're both pretty expensive. That's why I got an EZIV. I'm only using it for DS and GBA games anyway.