Who is the daddy the don of AfterDawn.com? Was wondering how much you were making off this website and does all of your revenue off this site come soley off AdSense? Just curious?
The main person that is the boss of aD is dRD. I preety sure that most revenue comes from advertising and software companies that post there apps here.
Actually Borhan9 As quoted from the "Staff writers position filled" article Edit: "and one all round techie (myself)" That is Ketola saying that. hope that helped
tocool.. what are you correcting borhan for..? he was correct. Most with "Admin" under their title owns part of the site. The "Staff Members" add content that you see in news and guides apart from Katapuldi who is the PR girl..
Yes....I didn't say borhan wasn't correct Lethal. Jeez....I said that there are more than just dRD that owns the site..... Edit: and also you said anyone that has "Admin" owns part of the site.That is what I'm trying to say no disrespect to borhan, I wasn't correcting him I was just stating other people too for his own information....
@tylerm712 - 'fraid you'll end up being 'OWNED' if you don't have that signature conform to Forum Rules (in my sig)...