I got it! I'm in Japan though and it was worth it. Dark Blue. Just got my usb adapter for wi-fi and waiting on the M3(mini SD) and passkey2 to come in the mail. Also picked up a 2gb miniSD card. OK. finished my brag post, carry on.
Probably when the price goes down a bit, I'm meant to be saving up to go to university though, so it's just a case of what happens first
i'm not gonna buy a nds lite, wtf why didn't the release a like version right away. i always hate lite versions. i buy something cool, like a playstation or nds 1 / 2 years later there is some f*cking lite version. i don't like to buy a new one. it just pisses me off that they release another (smaller) version 2 years later.
i already got a silver ds and i dont see any point in buying another one just for a smaller unit and brighter lit screen :S Nintendo should allow you to trade in (only gd condition tho) old DS's and get a Lite one from them! .. Well I suppose they would lose some cash though but it would increase popularity.. which could lead on. Jin666
yea it woul be stupid if someone already had a ds and upgraded to a lite...call me stupid but i would do just that lol but no, i never owned a ds and my lite will be arriving soon. i cant wait.
nbubbles is pointless and post boosting (digging up an old thread from April is a tad blatant, especially when the original poster is no longer here thread closed