@ OP:-Well if you think that i suggest you keep your back to the wall & get a truck load of soap on a rope
i only complain about shit you post fathead because it not helpfull to anyone and when you give advice its always 110 % wrong.why did you bring me into this anyway you edited by ddp? and you wonder why you get a hard time off people. why dont you go and have a cry like you are doing in this picture edited by ddp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow. This is even not related to modding and hacking. LOL. Man, give them noobs a break (they get smart by the time they go suck info on this site). Give US a break. Oh. We aren't perfect ya know. LOL Man you must be an anti-noob or something...
@windowmaka maybe i do that because when i actually do post something thats accurate you always give me the bullshit you give me now
Let "IT" go guys. Does it really matter who is right and who is wrong? As long as the question gets answered correctly eventually, or the problem gets solved, who honestly cares? That's why these forums are here. There's always going to be trial and error. Nobody is right 100% of the time. Let's stop the arguing. Some new member gets on here and makes a thread with a title that should have been deleted as soon as a mod saw it. We're supposed to be helping each other out, not calling each other out. Peace!
bighead i treat you like your daddy treats you, nothing but abuse.now run along and think of a happy place.