Why can't I burn 8X DVD+R with my Pioneer 108?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by ev99, Aug 26, 2004.

  1. ev99

    ev99 Member

    Mar 22, 2004
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    Please help!
  2. shooter

    shooter Member

    Jan 28, 2003
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    Do you have 8X media?
    We could do these one line question things for a while, but it would be better if you listed what hardware, and software your using to try to get it to burn at 8x. :)
    You may want to flash the firmware on your burner as well. I know I had to update mine when I first got it, as the firmware it shipped with was not up to date. I don't know when you bought your drive, or when it was made, but I did have that problem with mine as well, until I flashed it then it worked fine.
  3. brian100

    brian100 Guest

    Have you checked media compatibility with your burner?. Have you updated, if required the Firmware?

    Burning at 8X sounds a lot of fun but sometimes it's safe to burn at a lower speed.
  4. ev99

    ev99 Member

    Mar 22, 2004
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    Well, I'm using Promedia discs and I have the latest firmware 1.10.

    Using DVD Shrink 3.2

    Works perfect at 4X and my drive supports 8X for sure.

  5. ev99

    ev99 Member

    Mar 22, 2004
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    I am using 8X media by the way
  6. brian100

    brian100 Guest

    Just beacuse it say's 8X on the packet, it does not mean its compatible with your burner at 8X. have you checked thr manufacturers site for compatibility issues?

    Unfortuantely I am not experienced with promedia disks, so I am unable to offer a definitice explanation. Have you tried any other media eg Grade "A" Ritek?

    take a look at this site (A quick search on google led me to it) :-


    Jacques & Martin's Blue & White Army.[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2004
  7. shooter

    shooter Member

    Jan 28, 2003
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    It could just be the media then. It does happen, (quite often really) Even if a media says it is rated at 8X, it may not be able to record at that speed in your particular burner. That is assuming your using software that supports 8x burning, as well as a system that will feed it fast enough. (..enough RAM, a fast processor, quick hard drive..etc..)
    As Brian 00 said however, just because it CAN burn at 8X does not mean you should. Many times even 8x media that CAN burn at 8X will give much better results at 6X or 4X.
    I can burn 4X +R’s with my Plextor burner at 8X no problem. (Even though they are rated at 4X speed). But when I do so, I DO notice starts to become pixilated in the blacks in the background from time to time, so I slowed it down to 6X, and it burns fine.
    My Pioneer will burn most good quality 8X media with no problems, however it has the same problem on 4X media, that Nero says is burnable at 8X. I have to back it down to 6X or even 4X to get a really good burn out of it on slower rated media.
    I would suggest trying some different brands of media in it before you worry to much about it. It is usually a media problem, if you have a computer that will handle the speed of your burner, and it is burning ok at other speeds.
  8. ev99

    ev99 Member

    Mar 22, 2004
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    Thanks a lot Brian, I appreciate it! I suspected it was the media. Too bad I bought a 50 pack!!!
  9. brian100

    brian100 Guest


    Could have been worse!!. Most users on this site recommend using Grade "A" Ritek media. I can get my 107D to burn at 8X with good quality Ritek media. I must admit I only burn at 2X at the moment.

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