WHyd ddi you join afterdawn? was it to ask a question? is so, what question was it exactly? The reason i joined was to, i believe it was copying star wars battlefront to a dvd. i think sly helped out on that one. Then i figured out how to fix the DNAS.
i joined for the xbox section and this has been done b4.xbox section is full of newbies asking repetative questions or just plain stupid questions so im here trying to have a laugh at some posts.
i think when i join , it was to get some information on how to back-up a ps2 game, but apon joining i had no idea that this site was going to be so helpful with all the other thinks i needed help on and programs that needed . great site (the best)
That thread is when not why. I joined cause I was one of the suckers who bought into DVDXCopy Platinum. I came to aD to find DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter.
lets be different i joined to be funny, and yes that thread is still going.......... My bro joined to but obviously he wasnt funny enough as flip banned him
i joined cuz i wanted to learn, and learn i did. did'nt get much help from ddp, but his one liners and remarks.... which by far, i think is the funniest member in here (well, there are more, but he comes to mind) i found it by a google search, and have been a member now for about 5 or 6 months.. not to knock ddp, he is one smart mofo.... ya know i am pickin on ya ddp