I never thought of this,but why do they have blow holes.Since they are fish,wouldn't they have gills or something like that.I don't know kinda weird how they breathe right,and why do they put them in the fish category.
ok, firstly, lets clear this bit up: lol..they never put them in the fish catagory. dolphins, whales, porpises and seals are all MAMMALS. like you or me. this means they give birth to live young and feed it with milk. ok, all mammals have lungs and breathe air. whales and dolphins take a bigass breath before diving down and doing whatever it is they do. then they come to the surface to get another breath. the blowhole is their nostril. thats what they breathe out of. if you were to cover it, eventually the animal would suffocate. the sperm whale can hold its breath for over 8 hrs, so that is why they stay down for such a long long time. and with whales like the humpback (ones that eat planktin or little itty bitty swimming things) the blowhole is also used to blast out all the water they swallow when they grab a huge mouthful of food. none of them have gills at all...just really big lungs and a great capacity for holding their breath. i hope i answered your question.
mrchub, you mean the original post was just a muck-around? lol...yeh, i already assumed that..but its such a funny question to me i HAD to answer it.
HMMMM from dvd burning to animal planet .any chance that you are drinking tonight L-Burna, i would guess yes LOL
Someone say Porn?????????? Or are we still on the blow holes..............LMAO......... If the picture is inappropriate, then please edit it out, it was just TOO funny not to post it.....
In the words of Peter Griffin, "I'll tell you what the blow-hole's NOT for. And when I do you'll understand why we can never go back to SeaWorld."
Good old Peter Griffin, I hope he had fun...................... I love the pic, and especially as it's got a Greenpeace logo on it, made me laugh quite a bit.