i just payed the 15 dollars per month for my napster to go, so, why the hell do i need to pay 99cents for some major songs then some are free? god, i cant find any good LEGAL music sharing progs that dont have these absurd catches, all these MPIAA(or whatever) and these RIAA guys would just burn in hell for the rest of there lives, i cant afford buying there cds(which cost now over 20 dollars in most places in my area) for only 1 song the artist actually tried hard on then just did a half assed job on the rest, (this doesnt aply to System of a Down they pwn!!!)
lmao, trust me, ive been deep into the dark side for as long as i can remember. but im just lookin for somethin safer.
its simple they chagre what they think they can get away with and its your loss if you find thier service less than adaqute....or so they think...franky I no long will let the man near my hide aera...life enjoys messing with it tomuch to ahve anything else...umm....screwing....with me >< I ahte my brain *L*
i believe u can pay just a dollar for all the songs in the world if u subscribe to winmx http://www.oldversion.com/program.php?n=winmx