Why do I suck at everything?

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by john_k, Sep 30, 2005.

  1. john_k

    john_k Member

    Sep 30, 2005
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    Hi I am at a senior in highschool and it just seems like everything I do I suck at or am merely mediocre. We played basketball in Gym class today and while we were shooting free throws I couldn't even hit the rim once! When we did lay ups I was the only that couldn't make a single layup and everybody said I shoot like a girl. Not only that but when we chose teams to play a game I got chose last. No one ever passed the ball to me and the one time I did get the ball (lucky rebound) I travelled instantly afterward and everybody yelled at me.
    Not only am I not much of an athlete but I struggle just to make C's in regular classes. It's not that I don't work hard, I spend 3 or 4 hours a night doing on homework yet I still only get C's on tests whereas some of my classmates don't study at all and get A's!! When I have the chance I stay after school to get extra help on my homework but I never seem to get it. I want to go to a good college and get a good job so I decided to take an SAT prep class. However after taking the New SAT 3 times my best scores were 430 Math, 380 Verbal, and 360 Essay/grammer which isn't nearly good enough to get into a good college. I just feel like I do double work for half the success.
    I don't really get picked on in school but people still ignore me and treat me as an outcast. I have very few friends. I have known this one girl since I was in Kindergarden and we have always been friends. When we were younger we were best friends. I have had a crush on her since middle school. However she won't go out with me because she is pretty and popular and I am an outcast with less than stellar looks. During highschool she has had 5 boyfriends, after she broke up with each of them I asked her out but each time she said "No, I just don't want to rush into another relationship". Yet less than a week later she would be going out with some stud football player. The real reason she won't go out with me is because of my looks and I'm not popular. I wish she would atleat be honest with me. It really sucks that she won't even give me a chance! Atleast I get along with my parents. However they never let me doing anything like go to parties(not like I would ever get invited to one) or get my license. I just wish I could be good at something...
  2. svar91

    svar91 Regular member

    Jun 28, 2005
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  3. nlm1976

    nlm1976 Member

    Sep 12, 2005
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    First and foremost...you have to stop comparing yourself to others and caring what others think of you. Seriously! Life is way too short. Just do your best and screw anyone who doesn't like it! Take it from me, you're going to be 100 times happier when you're out of that HELLHOLE they call high school. People are mean and there's nothing meaner than a teenaged high school student!
    Secondly, if you're having trouble with your studies, you should look for a tutor. They are wonderful! Sometimes other people know how to explain something to you in a different way than your instructors so you can understand it.
    Lastly, don't waste your time on some girl who won't give you the time of day. If she's lying to you and giving you some lame excuse instead of giving you a chance or just telling you the truth (that she just doesn't want to go out with you for whatever reason) she's not worth your trouble. Move on.
    Hope this was helpful. Hopefully there are others on this forum that will put in their 2 cents worth to try to help you out.
    Good luck!
  4. nlm1976

    nlm1976 Member

    Sep 12, 2005
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    svar91...I LOVE your signature!!! Too funny!!!
  5. Daniel_G

    Daniel_G Guest

    Seriously dude, this is NOT the place to discuss your private life, i suggest you remove your story and request a mod to close this thread, cause threads like this always get spammed to death with useless remarks, and you will probably get totally picked on by some other members....
  6. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    i don't mean to be cold or insensitive, but a tech forum isn't really the place to come to with typical high school student problems. sure, the safety valve gives you some slack (check my fur thread, lol), but, john, you need to talk to someone you can trust, or go to a social forum with understanding people. you won't find much here that can help you in this area.

    all i can say is, i'm 18. i'm a senior in high school. i have no athletic ability and am an outcast. so, what do i do to feel good? whatever makes me happy. i act like a total loon, and i do embarassing and crazy stuff. sometimes people laugh, sometimes i know they want to stab me. but i don't care. you have to live life, not wallow in the suffering underneath it. good luck, john, and i wish you all the best.
  7. john_k

    john_k Member

    Sep 30, 2005
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    Well thanks for the support guys. Sorry if this was the wrong place to post my problem. I spend a lot of time here reading over some of the guides. This is where I learned how to burn DVD's, how to use the IRC, and how to backup ps2 games. So I guess that's my reason for posting here. Anyway, I try to block out all the things that happen to me at school but sometimes it's just hard. I was able to endure the last three years so I guess I can survive one more. I just can't wait till this school year is over and I can give the school and all the people in it the finger.
  8. geestar20

    geestar20 Active member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    don't even stress on the small things in life john_k, we are all outcast in one way or another. just look at it this way I just can't wait till this school year is over and I can give the school and all the people in it the finger.

    stick around and im sure you'll make good friends here.
  9. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    like who ... you geestar? hahaha geestar made a funny :) lol
  10. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Everybody has good talents .. you just have to find it. And it is good to vent issues.

    But honestly ... dude talk to a school counselor or something.

    ZCONCEPT Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    MESSAGE FOR john_k

    The next time you're feeling down about all your
    high school problems ( like all the rest of us went through )
    click on this link. It takes you to my thread titled:
    " SEEKING ART VIDEO ANIMATIONS ( Quicktime only ) ".
    Just relax and click on the many links to watch some cool
    animations. It will most likely cheer you up and get your
    mind on art. Viewing any kind of art is a healing experience
    as well as a learning session.

    Know that all the members here at afterdawn.com wish you the best
    and appreciate you coming here to learn ( and to enjoy yourself ).
    Signed: Robert Singletary__Saturday October 1, 2005__6:08 A.M.
    (eastern standard time) USA
  12. geestar20

    geestar20 Active member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    NO WAY! but you can be my friend -flip- with your perty smile ;P
  13. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    We been getting a lot of these theads lately.
    tech=nerd and nerds had the most problems in high school. So i guess this is kinda the place where you come. LOL J/K

    ZCONCEPT Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    MESSAGE FOR rihgt682

    Nice to see a Senior Member support one of our youngest members !!

    I have always rooted for the underdog. john_k may end up being
    President of the United States ( afterall, our current President
    tells us he was pretty much a C+ student...and it
    didn't stop him !! ).
    Signed: Robert Singletary__Sunday October 2, 2005__6:04 A.M
    (eastern standard time) USA
  15. gr8jeep

    gr8jeep Member

    Aug 8, 2004
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    Sounds to me like your good at something dude , your burning dvds and you know how to use a computer from the sounds of it , that might just be your lead to being successful after school , just to let ya know these guys that are all popular now , guess what?? I just went to my 20 year H S reunion and alot of those super star (HEY LOOK @ ME) individuals who were so popular in school are now just average joes like the rest of us, i believe the term is: what goes around comes around :), if ya like computers follow that route, sounds to me like your off to a good start, ya found one of the best sites for advice and friendship for sure, do ya use MSN Messenger? Add me, NoPostingEmails@afterdawn.com , i'll shoot the breeze with ya anytime my friend!!!
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2005
  16. bbmayo

    bbmayo Active member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Man if I didnt know any better I would say I my daughter was the one that just posted this thread. She is going through the same thing's in Highschool right now. You want to know what helped her out? Counseling believe it or not she is doing much better now, and I believe some members have already suggested it to you, but believe me it has made a huge improvment in her. She is doing much better in school and her social life now. She even has several friends she hangs around with now. I am so happy for her. It sound's like you have some loving and caring parent's so maybe you should talk to them about your problems and explain to them you would like to get some profesional help. Another thing don't worry to much about what others tell you about not using this forum to talk to people thats why the safety valve is here. You can pretty much talk about anything you want to here and by god if this is where you feel comfortable then please feel free. :)

    I really do wish you the best and don't worry it will get better :)

  17. davidw001

    davidw001 Regular member

    Jul 15, 2005
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    Yeah man, all the crap they tell you in HS about it being just like the "real world" is bullcrap. Keep your nose to the grindstone and keep trying. The really real real world is nothing like school! I can look back to the ancient 80's and see me and all my outcast friends having such a hard time in HS and laugh because the people who were giving us crap, the people who made it in school on their looks, their amount of touchdowns, or their last names, are the ones pumping our gas or mowing our lawns now. Things only get better after school. And dude, if the girl is that shallow, you are way better off without her!
  18. john_k

    john_k Member

    Sep 30, 2005
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    I can't express to you all how much better you have made me fell! It's good to hear that the high school is nothing like the real world and that it usually get's better for outcasts like me. The counselors at my school are almost always busy and mainly deal with college admissions and scholarships instead of student's emotional problems. I'll talk to my parents about getting professional help elsewhere. I am not miserable 24/7 but there are times when I feel I am at the end of my rope. It just bugs me sometimes when the hot shots are having the time of their life and treat outcasts like dirt. I hope your right about the scales balancing out in the long run. I definately hope to have a career with computers. They are my passion and my computer is where I come to to escape all the other crap in my life. Im thinking of getting my A+ certification and becoming a technician or doing computer repairs. Not exacly sure but something along those lines. Thanks again guys!
  19. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    the a+ certification doesn't mean anything except as a piece of paper unless you have the knowledge & experience to go with it. at least you have burnt dvd's as i haven't yet but than i don't have a dvd burner either!!
  20. gr8jeep

    gr8jeep Member

    Aug 8, 2004
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    The A++ certification certainly does mean something .....at least to an employeer it does , my brother was retrained due to a job injury , got his certification and is now employeed by the New York State Department of Education and the main reason he got the job was due to that little piece of paper, matter of fact because of a little piece of paper that sez i am certified to handle refrigerant i now have a union job paying me over 20 dollars an hour , so any education you can get that brings in any sort of certification means alot in todays job market and thats fact!

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