Why do some images just not work?

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by benifa, Feb 20, 2007.

  1. benifa

    benifa Regular member

    Dec 6, 2006
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    I've been racking my brains and trying everything I can think of, but can't work out why some images produce all channels, where as others don't..

    For example, I've tried many Commando images (inc the latest 7.5), Sportster, Jack the Grabber, YADI, plus lots more that I can't think of now. But there's only my trusty Sportster 1.7+ UK that produces, after scanning, all 184 channels (inc radio and data)..

    Every other image either produces either nothing, or 132 channels, 122 channels etc..

    From my "good" image, I've FTP'd the entire /var directory to my PC. When I try flashing another image, I copy certain files from this good image to the new one, such as the EMUs, the keys, the cables.xml, the scan.conf and so on. Nothing seems to help..

    Now it's no great problem, Sportster 1.7+ UK has never let me down, it's just I don't know *why* it's the only image that can scan all channels..

    Any thoughts welcome..
  2. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    sods law.. I guess its the so many different permutations, like your signal strength, box type etc. some images work better on say a sagem 1x than a nokia 2x

    as you say the Sporster 1.7+ UK05 seems very stable indeed

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