Why do tv have a color temp option?

Discussion in 'Televisions' started by Xenokai, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. Xenokai

    Xenokai Regular member

    Jul 10, 2004
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    This is pretty dumb they have these options my older sdtv didnt have any kinda option for color temp, it had a option called tone but i dont think that was color temp. Why have these options on tv's? is it so they can use the cool mode int he store? alot of trouble just to impress someone in the store. So does warm = same as the older crt tube tvs? Almost every guide ive read says put it into warm mode to add more red to the pic example is this video... http://reviews.cnet.com/4520-11249_...-6.html?tag=nav i dont understand why not just set this just right in the factory and leave remove the option to change it.
  2. MysticE

    MysticE Active member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    You could always tell American TV's in the old days (there actually were such things) as they were always 'warmer' (redder) than the then new Japanese sets with a 'cooler' (bluish) image. Many CRTs had color temp options.

    I have always liked having a choice and do not like 'warm' settings.
  3. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Mystic.. the hue control so common on NTSC tv's.. green or purple faces, no wonder we in the trade called it "Never The Same Colour" eh?

    Like you I like to have the option.. some cable channels have a very definite colour cast.
  4. MysticE

    MysticE Active member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    Quick question... when at peoples homes do you have fight the desire to adjust their usually over-saturated and bright sets?
  5. varnull

    varnull Guest

    All the time :lol: I wait for them to leave the room and then head for the remote.. hoping not to be caught in the act.. hahaha
  6. Xenokai

    Xenokai Regular member

    Jul 10, 2004
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    which color temp do you all use? on warm is it suppose to add more red to the picture like when vieing a pure white screen my screen is Blueish green white with Cool, seems pure white with neural, and on warmt he white seems darker. i thought it was a mistake but i also noticed on my pc the 6500k option has a darker white to it. Is this normal for warm/6500k options? but still the best? on game neutral often seems better but to blue on some spots warm seems more red but the colors seem more right sometimes.

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