whenever i use firefox, every so often (about every minute) it freezes all abilities, then a few seconds later it comes back. if i type with it in this freeze mode, the text appears when it comes out. if i click something in the freeze mode, it clicks there when it comes out. if i click and start typing in freeze mode, it doesnt click there and puts the text where the text cursor was before, but the cursor is now at the end. is this a common glitch or something? what wrong with this company.
Your system isn't low on memory? Can't say I've ever had any issues with Firefox - maybe open up TaskManager while it's running and see if anything is chomping up your resources...
I ever have a problem like this, my firefox lag, but now It doesn't. 1. Check your add-ons and uninstall you don't need anymore add-ons 2. In Tools>Clear Private Data 3. If you still experience the problem, try to reinstall Firefox That's the tips for you. And help me too in my Latest Thread
try typing in about:config. then where it says filter type ipv6. if it says false double click and it should say true. if that doesnt work then you might have a virus or not enought memory