[bold]i meant when i go to mechassault it feezes when i go to install linux it wont do anything[bold]
Some versions of Mechassault will simply not load linux. I'm almost sure that if you are using a platinum hits version of Mechassault OR Splinter Cell, 007, the file simply will not launch. Also, at one point in time, the Xbox Live starter pack would give you a copy of Mechassault. This game wont read the linux file either. So if your Mechassault game is either a Platinum Hits title or it came with an Xbox Live pack, it will not work.
im almost positive that i need a linux installer that will actually work so if you know where to get one please send me a link
yo i think mine might have some prombles it wont load it has some green lettering on the disk it says not fer resale is that one that came with the xbox live starter pack is that y it wont load????
yeah well now on it it says 'install linux' 'resstore dashboard' 'run linux' 'emergancy linux' -when i hit instal it reads' try using restor dash board then i hit that and it reads 'this item canot be opened because it may be corrupted' i dont know what to do some one please help