I am using a Toshiba Satelite M30 laptop with Matsgita DVD Burner.It comes preinstalled with Win DVD Creator but I want to use Nero 6 to burn backups of DVDs which are shrunk on DVD Shrink. The problem is that when I go to create a DVD-Video file on Nero, ( keeping it to the capacity of the blank DVD), there is no "burn" button.WHY ???? I have even contacted Nero Support and they keep getting me to completely uninstall it with the Nero Cleanup tool and then reinstall but that has made no difference at all. I did burn a few discs which burned when I backed up with DVD shrink and then the program went straight onto "insert disc" for burning but that stopped automatically asking for the blank DVd after about 3 times.I don't know why that was either. When I select another mode in Nero,eg data, the message comes up that the DVD will not play in a stand alone DVD-video player BUT the "burn" button IS highlighted.WHY?????? This has been going on for weeks and I cannot get the hard drive free of my movies. If no one can find the problem, does anyone know how to work this Win DVD creator to get my movies onto DVD? It's not as simple as dragging all the files over and burning as this program is like a professional editor which wants you to arrange the scenes and make the menu etc. I would prefer to just hit the "burn " button. ANY help would be much appreciated. I think the Nero Support guy is well and truly sick of hearing from me.
I just spent a while reading through this excellent site! Does my problem have anything to do with the "ASPI" driver? and if so, what is it? Do I need to load "wnaspi32.dll" for any reason? Help!
Have you tried setting shrink to burn automatically with nero? Are you sending your files to your HD from shrink and then opening Nero to burn? Are you using nero burning rom or nero burn express? I don't think changing software will make a difference. We need to figure out why nero isn't working. Chances are if it won't work there it won't work elsewhere. What do you mean you can't get your HD free of your movies? have you installed force ASPI?
thanks for the well needed reply. 1. Have you tried setting shrink to burn automatically with Nero?...Yes I have ticked "enable burning with Nero" . 2. Are you sending your files to your HD from shrink and then opening Nero to burn?.....Yes I am because I thought that Shrink always did that automatically because it always requires HD space. 3. Are you using Nero burning rom or Nero burn express?...I have tried both but mainly Express. Is there a difference and should I be using the first one instead? 4. What do you mean you can't get your HD free of your movies?...Sorry if that was unclear. I have backed up several movies on the HD and can't burn them off. 5. have you installed force ASPI?....I have not yet installed it. I only found out about it last night when I found this site. I have downloaded it but don't know what it is. The Nero support guy has never mentioned this ASPI at all.Can you tell me if I am supposed to have this on? Does it have something to do with DVD-Video Buring? If that is the case, is that why the burn button works when burning data and not when in DVD-Video Mode? 6. Is force ASPI the same as ASPI from the Nero site?
I would: 1) make sure you burner's firmware is up to date 2) install a "working" aspi layer http://forceaspi18.w.interia.pl/ Instructions on the site. Download both Force and aspi check Here is a good Nero burning guide by ScubaPete:
twofake, when using shrink set your destination target- your burner. There is no need to send it to the Hard Drive. Shrink is doing that already in the temp folder. Also, for the files you have on your HD, open Nero Express. In a seperate window open to where your files are. Click and drag that entire file folder over to express VIDEO_TS(ignore AUDIO_TS). Hit next and burn. done. express automatically chooses the files it needs from your folder. You need to install your aspi layer too. force aspi is not the same as the aspi from nero. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SO[/small]
Message to Lady luck 5: I don't think your problem is Nero 6. You may have to look at this "force ASPI" business. I will follow the instructions of Flip 218 and Big Orange and then I will let you know how it goes and will post the info on this site. Thnaks Flip218 and BigOrange again for the help. I will try tonight.
message to twofake: I did the force thing and updated my firmware and still no highlight with nero express so I followed the directions given to you for the burning rom and it worked everytime with great copies. He is definately MY Daddy.
Help me...I can't find MY Daddy!!! I reckon he left when I was born!!! "If you open Nero SmartStart ... to the left it's under applications. Or, what I do is: Click Start -> programs -> Nero -> Nero 6 Ultra Edition -> Nero Burning Rom." My Nero 6 has ha sno "burning rom" to select. Under applications is : Nero Express NeroVision Express SE Nero Cover Designer Nero Media player Nero Showtime Do i open Nero Express instead or do i keep looking for thsi Nero Burning ROM? Daddy where are you???I think I want my Mummy.
Hi TwoFake, Based on your description, you have an OEM version of Nero, which only comes with Nero Express, not Nero Burning ROM. But you should still be able to do what you need with Nero Express. First, if you have not already done so, upgrade to the latest Nero 6 from the Nero website, which is Nero Then when you first launch Nero 6, make sure it see's your Recorder, and make sure it's selected and that you are in DVD mode, not CD-R/RW mode. In most cases when the symptoms you are describing occur, it's because the user is in CD-R/RW mode, but have a DVD in the Recorder. The software detects that the media is not the proper format and fails to high-light the BURN button. Regards, Craig Representative of Ahead Software USA
You don't have Ultra 6? Burning rom and recode are in ultra 6. You can use express to burn. open Nero Express. In a seperate window open to where your files are. Click and drag that entire file folder over to express VIDEO_TS(ignore AUDIO_TS). Hit next and burn. done. express automatically chooses the files it needs from your folder. BTW, I'm not your mummy, lol _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SO[/small]
craig, that is such a simple thing, yet people forget to do it all the time, and I forget to tell them to check it all the time. Regards...