Why does there have to be sooooo much info out there on each and every form of formats, codecs, etc etc etc??? It seems like everytime I want to find some info on something, before I'm halfway into it my ears are swollen and my head is ringing... or maybe thats the other way around? I'll figure it out when the stomach stops spinning and I take some pepto to settle my room.
Easy solution: Sell your PC, move to a cave and don't give a ***k about acronyms I've seriously considered the option during the last couple of years
Lol! My fiance would kill me if I sold the PC and she'd never move into a cave... Maybe I should sell her too.
You are so right! And we never had this crazy weather until they started using those dadgummed bows and arrows.
haha yall are hillarious but there's no way in heck I would ever sell my coputer that's just nuts.. Why don't we sell George W. Bush? so he can't get us into a huge war and everyone in the world get blown up. but I guess those that survived would be living in a cave eh? hahah ~CVT
Our lives have become so connected with these machines that we can't just sell them...we'd go out and buy another one the same day...and we'd have our kids pedal an electric generator to run it in a cave, and our wife rig up some sattelite internet on top of the mountain...We're digital junkies, plain and simple we can't ever get enough! Don't believe me? Then answer this question: Which is worse, 1. Biting down on a nail file as hard as you can and having it ripped from your teeth 2. Getting eatin to death by a swarm of fire ants. 3. A primary hard drive crash. If you answered number three...you're totally addicted!
Hey Liquid, thanks for the ideas... Anyone know where I can find the plans for a kid powered generator? Btw, I have to say #1 would be the worst. Reading that I had to clamp down on my teeth until the chills and blurred vision went away.
Hmmm...I didn't realize how great o an Idea the kid generator was...PATENT PENDING!!!!!! lol, j/k...I'd have to say number one myself...the first time someone asked me what I thought of said teeth/file act, my jaw actually began to throb...