i cant really understand why anyone has'nt come up with a way to emulate xbox games on the pc, i mean a pc easily can meet the hardware requirements and the xbox game structure is not that difficult to exchange into pc playable form. i guess there are still some kinks around. any thaughts welcome.
It is in the works. One that I'm familiar with is cxbx. That team has put a lot of work into their progress, you might find it interesting: http://www.caustik.com/cxbx/ I'm sure there are others but that's one that I've followed.
You will continue to find partial products across the web on this issue..at least for the time being. Honestly, I don't think anyone would attempt to make a final version. I'd honestly rather play xbox on my HDTV, same goes when I add the 360 to my collection. If someone did finalize and emulator I think there would still be too many limitations. Nope, I'm not a programmer but I have been following the progress of a couple projects and they're not moving at a steady pace. If yu really want to play xbox games on your PC, there are a few ways you can get the feel though... 1- First off, get one of the xbox to usb controller adapters *Buy a game for your PC that is also available on the xbox or *Utilize a video capture card to play on your PC's monitor LOL...just joking. Seriously though, I don't think one of those projects will be completed anytime soon. That's just me though. If you hear otherwise, I'd be curious to know what you find.