Why picture jerks when DVD is processed thru DVD2SVCD?

Discussion in 'Video playback problems' started by eetupoika, Sep 29, 2002.

  1. eetupoika

    eetupoika Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Hi all!

    I'm growing frustrated here. Please help me in finding out what is it that i'm doing wrong. (see log file below)

    I've used the latest bundle of DVD2SVCD to process a DVD rip from a R1 DVD. To encode i use TMPGEnc.

    Everything goes perfectly until its very end. But after burning the bin files (with latest Nero) and putting the vcd on my standalone, the picture jerks every second and lags after the perfect audio. Image quality is ok, sound is perfect. Only the picture jerks.

    I've followed the instructions found on dvd2svcd.doom9.org to all points.

    I've burnt the vcd in 4x speed.
    I've burnt the vcd in two different cdr-drives, still get the same effect.

    I've tested the vcd in three different standalones and my pc dvd, the picture jerks.

    When i play the muxed-mpg file on win media player the picture is perfect.

    Until now, I've ripped and processed DVD's using Smartripper, DVD2AVI and TMPGEnc each separately and i've got a working result. However, i changed to DVD2SVCD as i promised a better image quality. It indeed does, but the jerky pic is the obstacle now...

    Any help, any hint, any advice -- all would be very much appreciated.

    thanks in advance!

    P.S. I've also used the instructions give at:


    - 9/27/02 9:32:42 PM
    - DVD to SVCD Conversion
    - DVD2VCD ver. 1.0.9 build 3
    Initializing finished.

    - 9/27/02 9:32:54 PM
    - Free on drive C: 15144.81 mb
    - Internal rip
    Preparing vobfiles to be ripped:
    - D:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_04_1.vob
    - D:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_04_2.vob
    - D:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_04_3.vob
    - D:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_04_4.vob
    - D:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_04_5.vob

    Ripping: D:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_04_1.vob
    Ripping: D:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_04_2.vob
    Ripping: D:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_04_3.vob
    Ripping: D:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_04_4.vob
    Ripping: D:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_04_5.vob
    Ripping finished. Speed: 863

    Trying to eject the DVD
    Eject/Load failed
    - 9/27/02 10:42:56 PM
    - DVD2AVI
    Creating DVD2AVI INI file:

    Variable settings:
    iDCT_Algorithm: 32-bit SSE MMX

    Executing DVD2AVI.
    Executing DVD2AVI. Commandline:
    "C:\gamw\DVD2SVCD\DVD2AVI\DVD2AVI.exe" -CS=2 -YR=1 -EXIT -OF=[C:\gamw\mallrats\DVD2AVI_Project_file] -IF=[C:\gamw\mallrats\VTS_04_1.vob,C:\gamw\mallrats\VTS_04_2.vob,C:\gamw\mallrats\VTS_04_3.vob,C:\gamw\mallrats\VTS_04_4.vob,C:\gamw\mallrats\VTS_04_5.vob]
    Analyzing DVD2AVI Project file
    Hybrid Film activated. IVTC will be applied and will slow down the entire process!
    Framerate: 29970
    DVD2AVI processing done.

    - 9/27/02 11:08:00 PM
    - Free on drive C: 11608.19 mb
    - AUDIO Extraction
    Found AC3 stream id: 0x80
    Filename: C:\gamw\mallrats\Extracted_audio_1.ac3
    Audio1 delay: 24 ms
    Audio extraction finished.

    - 9/27/02 11:40:59 PM
    - Free on drive C: 11302.16 mb
    - AUDIO conversion

    Converting Audio to MP2. Filename: C:\gamw\mallrats\Extracted_audio_1.ac3
    Executing BeSweet. Commandline:
    "C:\gamw\DVD2SVCD\BeSweet\BeSweet.exe" -core( -input "C:\gamw\mallrats\Extracted_audio_1.ac3" -output "C:\GAMW\MALLRATS\Encoded_audio_1.mp2" -logfile "C:\GAMW\MALLRATS\Encoded_audio_1.log" ) -azid( -L -3db -c normal -g max ) -ota( -d 24 ) -2lame( -e -b 224 -m s )
    Audio conversion of C:\gamw\mallrats\Extracted_audio_1.ac3 finished.

    Audio conversion finished.

    - 9/28/02 12:13:32 AM
    - Free on drive C: 11148.69 mb
    - Video Encoding using TMPGEnc
    - Encoding C:\gamw\mallrats\AviSynth_Script_file.avs
    StreamSectors: 1542373728
    AudioSectors: 162605632
    VideoPAPO: 21373344
    ScanOffsetBytes: 0
    SeqAligningBytes: 0
    DVDBytes: 0
    VideoEndHeader: 8
    SubtitleSectors: 0
    EmptySectors: 238.00
    PictureSectors: 1.00
    PureMPEGStream: 1358394744.00
    Seconds: 5729.85
    CalcMPEGStream: 1358394744.00
    Frames: 137259
    CDSize: 740.00
    Cut point 735.00
    Using Quality Value: 80.00
    Aspect Ratio: 16:9 (borders added, encoded as 4:3)

    ---AVS Begin---
    ----AVS End----

    Executing TMPGEnc. Commandline:
    "C:\gamw\tmpgenc\TMPGEnc.exe" "C:\gamw\mallrats\TMPGEnc_Project_file.tpr" /Encode /Close
    Video Encoding finished.

    - 9/28/02 5:42:11 AM
    - Free on drive C: 10139.50 mb
    - Converting Pictures from ES to PS
    Saving bbMPEG settings: C:\gamw\DVD2SVCD\bbMPEG\default.ini
    - 9/28/02 5:42:14 AM
    - Free on drive C: 10139.47 mb
    - Converting Pictures from ES to PS
    Saving bbMPEG settings: C:\gamw\DVD2SVCD\bbMPEG\default.ini
    - 9/28/02 5:42:16 AM
    - Free on drive C: 10139.47 mb
    - Multiplexing and cutting
    Saving bbMPEG settings: C:\gamw\DVD2SVCD\bbMPEG\default.ini
    Offset in Seconds: 2
    Executing bbMPEG.
    Variable Settings:
    Movie offset: 2 seconds
    Cut point: 735 mb

    Executing RunbbMPEG. Commandline:
    "C:\gamw\DVD2SVCD\bbMPEG\RunbbMPEG.exe" "C:\gamw\mallrats\bbMPEG_Muxed_File.mpg"
    Multiplexing and cutting finished.

    - 9/28/02 6:07:18 AM
    - Free on drive C: 8962.88 mb
    - Creating CD-Images using VCDImager
    Executing VCDImager. Commandline:
    "C:\gamw\DVD2SVCD\VCDImager\VCDImager.exe" --type=vcd2 --cue-file="C:\gamw\mallrats\CD_Image_File_CD1.cue" --bin-file="C:\gamw\mallrats\CD_Image_File_CD1.bin" --iso-volume-label=MALLRATS --progress --add-file="C:\gamw\mallrats\SVCDInfo.txt",EXTRA/VCDINFO.TXT "C:\gamw\mallrats\bbMPEG_Muxed_File00.mpg"
    - 9/28/02 6:21:37 AM
    - Free on drive C: 8216.47 mb
    - Creating CD-Images using VCDImager
    Executing VCDImager. Commandline:
    "C:\gamw\DVD2SVCD\VCDImager\VCDImager.exe" --type=vcd2 --cue-file="C:\gamw\mallrats\CD_Image_File_CD2.cue" --bin-file="C:\gamw\mallrats\CD_Image_File_CD2.bin" --iso-volume-label=MALLRATS --progress --add-file="C:\gamw\mallrats\SVCDInfo.txt",EXTRA/VCDINFO.TXT "C:\gamw\mallrats\bbMPEG_Muxed_File01.mpg"
    CD-Image creation finished.

    - 9/28/02 6:30:11 AM
    - Free on drive C: 7767.59 mb
    - SVCD Creation finished!
  2. VCDjunkie

    VCDjunkie Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 11, 2002
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    the default program for building SVCD images is VCDXbuild. If you say that the muxed MPEG plays fine, then is it possible that the problem occurs when creating the SVCD image using VCDImager ??

    Also, just a suggestion.. download Daemon-Tools to create a virtual DVD rom on your pc, and using this very great tool, you can mount the .bin/.cue image into a virtual DVD drive, and test the image without having to waste CD's in order to find out if the image is any good. If you get the jerky playback using Daemon-Tools, then you know its the image creation that is having the problem.. try changing back to VCDXbuild, maybe it will help..

    Good Luck!
  3. eetupoika

    eetupoika Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    hey man, thanks for the good advice. i'll try and keep you posted!
  4. loaded

    loaded Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 2, 2002
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    And congratulations to eetupoika for Afterdawn's (unofficially) longest post. With people like Sir Klingon around, I thought no one would ever do longer.


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