Why this site aint what it used to be!

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by lecsiy, Jun 17, 2006.

  1. lecsiy

    lecsiy Regular member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Take a look at this.


    A junior member posted that completly useless post. This is why there should be more moderation on who gets advanced and who doesnt.

    Just because you post 50 useless posts doesnt mean you should be a junior member.

    compared to a guy that posts 10 uselfull posts.

    My rant for the day
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2006
  2. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    lecsiy, This site isnt going down the drain, its gotta be one of the best sites on the net(if not the best)& the AfterDawn team have alot to be proud of, I admit there are a few retard's here but then aggain you get them everywhere, they are simply childish teen's who have no life and are too dumb to realise that this is what they are perceived as...so they see if they can get a kick out of acting a idiot at aD, makes sence right?

    And in that thread's case the guy was a right dumba$$, agreed :)
  3. lecsiy

    lecsiy Regular member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    I agree its a great site and hopefully it will carry on to be a great site.
    But i just feel its getting so popular that the tight community that used to be in Ad has gone. Which i missed anyway. although i wasnt a big poster there i did read a lot of a posts.
  4. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    Its been a great site for 7 years and beleive you me it will continue to be!

    ..and the tight community-ness still exist's, I know a few of the guys here over msn and there good people, everyone friends here lecsiy (well, most of em are) :)
  5. lecsiy

    lecsiy Regular member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Lol man you had to ruin my rant didnt you!
    hahaha i guess your right. But sometimes it does feel colder than it was.
    Also please dont diss teens as im only 14 and feel that sometimes i help around the place. Even if it is only in very selected forums.
  6. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    it goes in cycles & i closed it
  7. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

  8. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    lecsiy, Not dissing teens mate, especially not you buddy :)

    Just saying in majority you'll find that most of the spammer's tend to be!

    ...And sorry for ending your rant ;P
  9. lecsiy

    lecsiy Regular member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    What its the saftey valve and its better than just having a load of random posts about how much one member hates one housemate.

    what i was saying is what i posted may have been usefull to the site.

    Making a post saying: Your mum............is not.

    I think that can be agreed by all.

    Oooo and fiend did you go to Def Con. Has it been? What was it like?


    Last edited: Jun 17, 2006
  10. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    And i think that making yet ANOTHER redundant thread about about a tv program is just as useless as the thread that moron made.

    As for my post, well, last time i checked we didn't have any kind of high level computer security forum, Or a forum where members can agree to have meetings or ask if other members are also going to certain conventions so they can meet up....
    So starting my thread in here was about the only possibility.
    not to mention that this is still a TECH FORUM, and Defcon is still a TECHIE CONVENTION.
    Do i need to continue here, or do you get the point i'm trying to make ?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2006
  11. gogochar

    gogochar Guest

    I personally think the day that Finland went under the dreadful anti-copy protection laws was AfterDawn's downfall. We can't click on the software page and get (very much) of the stuff that I got bored of looking on the Internet for. They took all the de-CSS stuff away. Now, I got to hunt down for the best of the best now to continue my rant! :) That's just my two cents...
  12. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    OK, I'll participate, take a deepo breath cause this will probably be long.....

    There are some problems here that are caused simply by numbers. It's common sense that when the number of user registrations goes up, the number of assholes coming to the site increases. However, there are a few things here that annoy me big time that are relitively new, for example...

    [bold]News Comments[/bold]

    In the last two years or so that I have been writing news articles at AfterDawn, I've read about 90% of comments made on the articles. It seems that in the past few months, the number of completely useless comments has exploded. I'm not taking a hit at any members opinions or legit comments, I'm talking about those comments that consist of a line or two or three words that are just useless and completely unnecessary like....


    "I don't care"

    "fusk the RIAA" <- most annoying, because you see it on news that has nothing to do with RIAA

    "This article sucks"


    Also, we have people who love nothing more than to make political debates out of news comment threads (which usually end up as flaming wars) or completely changing the topic. Another annoying thing is users going off to other sites and copying entire news articles (that are subject to copyright) and pasting them into news comments... thanks for the service if you mean well but it has been covered already and the profile pages are a ghreat place to post your own news items. I, of course, don't mind and do encourage users to post updates into news comments.... not full articles though.

    I do understand though that some newbies accidentally make off topic pots on news comments when they for example, see a news comment thread in the "latest forum posts" section of the main page. The news comments forum doesnt contain the news body itself, just the comments, so I can see why a lot of newbies make mistakes there sometimes.


    As a fairly big forum that is very hard to monitor, AfterDawn does rely a lot on user feedback to help mods get rid of offending users and admins to fix bugs etc. but sometimes users' reactions to other users activity gets out of hand. I've said it a lot, the best thing to do with assholes is report them, ignore them and continue but still some users insist on attacking these individuals. This doesn't exactly help and it gives the idiot the motivation to get back on AfterDawn and respond to attacks. When the average idiot realises nobody here is willing to lower themselves to their level and argue with them, they usually move on.

    Some users really need to learn to just ignore the bad stuff that might happen on the forum and continue to have fun, but instead we've m,any users who just keep posting about "those bloody newbies" and how messed up the forum is. For example, I could not count how many times I've read "WHY DONT THESE IDIOTS USE THE SEARCH BEFORE POSTING?" - I'll answer it again... Some are just lazy I agree, but the fact is 99% of the members who post stuff they could have easily found in search are completely new to AfterDawn. They don't see AfterDawn like we do, in fact, a couple of friends have told me they find AfterDawn daunting because of the high number of forums and the vast amount of text on the main page etc. We have gotten used to the site but new users still have to adjust and learn as they go.

    I admit, seeing the same post 1,000 times makes me grind my teeth, but a collection of users constantly posting and ranting about it won't change it. Not to mention that these attacks make the place look unfriendly and drive new users away from us. To me, that is a great loss as I think everyone has knowledge they can share with everyone else, we all have something we can teach.

    [bold]Tough talking.... on the Internet.... WTF is with that?[/bold]

    Now, to one thing I know most of you hate. Some users at AfterDawn have gotten themselves on the radar because of their attitudes toward other users. I'm talking about the group we seem to be gathering that likes to call everyone lame and boast about the knowledge they have. I thionk it's funny how these people try to act tough and godly behind a nickname. I know most are kids, but that's no excuse either to act that way. For example, on a console forum just daysd ago I saw a guy posting a simple question,. maybe a bit newbie-ish but still a valid question for a newbie to ask. Anyway, along comes this guy I wont name and decides to tell him how dumb a question that was and called him an idiot etc. Worse than that, another bunch decided to reply later on in the threat to comment on how dumb the thread was.

    What is wrong with these people? If you think a thread is dumb, don't participate in it.... simple. Nobody here really gives a crap how much you know and don't want to see you exposing your inflated ego. To new users I'll say don't try to score some sort of "points" with people like that by acting the same way cause eventually, you'll probably get thrown out and more people will hate you than like you for your effort.

    Anyway, that's all I'll say about that. </rant>

    Let's not have anyone getting pissy with me now I made absolutely no personal attacks or even hinted at any individuals. These are just my opinions.

    Besides the bad stuff that happens here and every other forum, AfterDawn is still a great place to hang out and I don't think that'll change.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2006
  13. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    /me taps Dela on the shoulder and whispers "you forgot the <rant> at the start..."

  14. DVDBack23

    DVDBack23 Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    i completely agree, im getting very tired of a certain person in the p2p forum who thinks he is better than everyone else, and who always has the right info...no one else can be right. Any time a newb asks a question (yes it has been answerd 1.4 million times) he mostly heckles than helps...it is the same in other sections as well, but just giving a little rant here. I unfortunately agree that aD is not what it used to be, many of the people i considered good posters or even friends dont really post anymore or seem to stick in the safety valve.
  15. lecsiy

    lecsiy Regular member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Right i agree with you dlea and thats what made me to make this post. However The fiend please remember this is the saftey valve. It doesnt help toward bigger status and its just a fun place on Ad.

    Also can a mod close this as its getting to personal on some members.
  16. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    Thats one hell of a rant, I agree with most of it, especially the part with the tough talking via the net...

    Since I've been here which I know is'nt too long, but it is nearly a year now since I registered an account at aD and I can truthfully say it's been a great experience and there are some really nice people at this site, yeh there's still the odd a££hole's but hey, the only negative thing I can think of is the fact that we've lost some great members recently...

    @DVDBack, I think I know who your talking about & I agree with you.

    EDIT: "Also can a mod close this as its getting to personal on some members."

    Last edited: Jun 18, 2006
  17. depaladin

    depaladin Member

    Jun 6, 2006
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    Couldnt we have either a block on posts which are less than 5 words long, or simply not credit posts which are less than 5 words long? (I.e. it doesnt add to a person's post count if they do less than 5 words in a post)
  18. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Why this site aint what it used to be!

    this is why..........none of the old timers are here..

    if ye remember this migration of members started about the time gear left..go to the thread i made called

    New Thread,Where Did All The Old Timers Go Who Helped Out Here At Afterdawn,Who's Still Here? All Please Check In!

    and see if there still around.

    edit spelling
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2006
  19. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Excellent post as always Dela. Several years ago I use to get burned up at the repeat questions asked by newbies. Why didn't they use the search feature??? Then you begin to realize that most newbies don't even know we have a search feature or how to use it. After all they are newbies to this forum. So now I try to answer the question for the 1000th time and then advise them of the search feature and how to use it if necessary.

    One other thing that still gets to me is after I answer something in a post, then 2 days later someone posts the same info again right below my post. I guess they can't read. Thats all for now. Don't want to turn this into another complaint type thread.

    @Ireland, I'm still here LOL, just not as active as before.

  20. GrandpaBW

    GrandpaBW Active member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    @lecsiy: Actually, I have read a number of your posts the past few days, and I have not seen one that warranted posting. But, then again, I may not have read all of your posts. But, the ones that I did read were not worth the read.

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