Uhm, I was banned today, and said I ignored Sig resized, I did resize my sig like creaky ask and now no other mod or post that I know of refered to my sig being too big again, So why was I banned?
@3dIuis - it was too big and i'd asked you a few times. i first checked if you'd posted since i'd last requested you sort the sig ie making sure you'd seen my post instead of just assuming you'd read it. The sig was most definitely still too large when i suspended you. The other 2 guys complied straight away. what you gotta remember is the effect of things on other posters, if ppl see a mod being ignored or whatever it causes others to misbehave. what is becoming an annoyance is ppl signing back up instead of waiting out their temporary suspension. However as you say you then sorted your sig, in your case you could PM an admin and refer them to this post and maybe they can reactivate your original account earlier. I'd normally can someone's new temporary account but as this was only for a sig i'll let it be for now. i've already mentioned to the admins about posters signing up instead of waiting out their suspensions.
But seriously, I did resize my sig... I remember you asking me and I did resize it. But how am I suppose to give you a link when the big sig I use to have changes? Alright, I found out, Check this link - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/288256 Then Click REPLY, and scroll down to the bottom at my third post called "Any file's of AR Max can be copied Megalis - what do you mean?? More specific please" And now after seeing that sig, check this link http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/324446 And now scroll down to the sig there, as you see i have resized it... EDIT - Bassically, this is what it was before - Always use the Afterdawn Before posting a problem Topic!! MY PS2 GUIDES/HELPS---->http://my.afterdawn.com/3dluis/ Tokijin's General FAQ's Topichttp://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/252193 AND AFTER you ask me, Always use the Afterdawn Before posting a problem Topic!! MY PS2 GUIDES/HELPS---->http://my.afterdawn.com/3dluis/ Tokijin's General FAQ's Topichttp://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/252193 I did resize it like you ask me..
well it was too large in the (up to date) thread i was posting in.. PM the admins, i can't say fairer than that (plus you can explain to them about sigs not being consistent across threads, they can hopefully fix the glitch that way and then this kind of problem won't happen again)..
The signatures shown in the message reply page are not generated in real time, but cached instead. The ones in thread view should always show the latest version. The current version of 3dluis' signature is still well beyond the acceptable limits defined in the forum rules. The images combined are in excess of 200kb in size, when the limit (for image only signature) is 50kb. The account can be re-activated if the signature is immediately modified to meet the forum rules. The rules are available at: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
You've got a deal, Ok Activate my acount and I will remove the sig as soon as I log onto it, also, you can then delete this acoutn
thanks Ketola. and 3dluis, you know the sig's two big as i asked you to remove one of the pics out the sig as it's two alongside each other
well i think either are too big as per Ketola's post & the rules so whichever one you use needs to be shrunk; though i told you this ages ago.....
There is one member here who gets away with a huge sig, cannot understand why & how they can get away with it....
AHHH!!! Why am I a newbie!! Can I please have my post back and that, it might of reseted my settings when you reseted my acount.. EDIT - I posted a picture from my account page.