I dl the new Itunes and it still didn't update I ran the program again and again and it still doesn't update is there a reason for this?
iTunes 7 has the updater inside it. When you say "I ran the program again and again" are you talking about the updator in iTunes or are you trying to rune your old updater? Maybe your iPod is up to date? What type of iPod do you have? Turn on your ipod, go to settings, then go to About then scroll down until you see Version and tell me what version you have.
Do you mean update firmware or sync music, videos, etc.? If you mean update the firmware, the latest version of iTunes allows you to do this. It's as simple as plugging in your iPod and pressing update. If you're just trying to sync the music on your iPod, right click on your iPod on the left-hand side of iTunes then press 'Sync'. This should put all the songs from your library on your iPod. Hope this helped. ;-)
1.1.1 is the version and it wont update even though I plug in my Ipod and itunes shows up and it doesn't do anything it doesn't show my ipod nor does it show my ipod's name in the corner.
This is a strange problem, because if it's opening iTunes, that means that your computer knows that there is an iPod plugged in, but if it doesn't show up in iTunes or 'My Computer' I'm not sure what you can do.
I have the same issue with my U-2 model i havn't used it in a month and today it's telling me to go to www.apple.com/support/ipod it shows an ipod with a triangle and an exclamation mark inside. The aformentioned site was no help to my little mind
Restore IN iTunes. When your iPod is plugged in, in iTunes, select your iPod and press 'Restore'. But, if your iPod isn't showing up in iTunes then you can't do this.