i'm going to be in the market for an HDTV soon, and i'm wondering how well a widescreen CRT TV would perform. sony makes a 34" and i was looking at that, priced at $1200. does anyone own one? i really like the CRT for its quality. thanks.
The Sonys 34" HD-CRT is the best direct view tube you can buy. It is a shame that it is a monster though. My only problem with it is that it only has one HDMI port. Ced
some say CRT still has the best picture quality available from TVs at this point, but the TV is 200 pounds and around 2 feet deep.
Actualy its 250 pounds and over feet deep. Yes tubes do produce the best picture because they can produce reference colors (acurate/video-production colors) and 1920x1080 pixels for cheap. But they are huge, hopfully the [bold]SED[/bold] technology will change that. Ced