As the title explains, I have that issue with wifi max. Within an hour or two of inserting the wifimax, I enter system manager only to see that my cpu is at 30%. When I remove the dongle it goes back to zero. I assume someone has connected to it or something like that. I have it working perfectly(except for this) and when I play my ds, I don't have anything strange happen. All my settings are secure and it only accepts one mac address and is protected with a wep key which is a shared key. I would really appreciate any help. Thanks all.
yeah i get that with wifi max 30% cpu gone :-( dont know why I think it is the bridge or datel drivers sorry i cant help but i have the same problem if you find help let me know !!!!!
just a update I think the wifi max is cpu dependent no people are hacking or anything dodgy just a poor product mine hits 30% cpu as soon as i turn it on but hell it works very well and i dont care
Mine doesn't go immediately to 30%. It usually takes a while to get there, like an hour or two. I'm not too bothered as long as it's not hackers.
Hi I just wanted to know what drivers and o.s are you using (bhee) As I said I get 30% cpu on start up :-( It works ok but that cant be good I was happy untill I read this forum and tried mine. any help please !!! ?
hey mate i did this: first i put the cd in what you get with wifimax n click on ds(because i use a ds)and then when it finished installing it comes back to the start when you pick what you want to install the i put in my wifimax and straight after i put my wifimax in a usb a clicked on ds and the zydas things installed and then it said new hardware found at the bottom and a click on that then you pick the options to use cd and it install the drivers it needed to install then it was ready to use hope that helps
yeah i know how to install drivers i just asked what o/s you are using and if you have updated the drivers in anyway or using stock thanks anyway
I could have sworn I had answered this question but since I don't see it here I'll have to post again. I have winxp and always download the latest drivers. This issue must be the fault of Datel, or so I like to think. I still hope to hear of a solution someday. Most likely an eventual Driver update will solve this. I am convinced that those who don't think they have this issue just aren't keeping an eye on the CPU usage.
I think I know what's causing it. I have had wifi max on without getting the 30% issue for a while now, but recently started using Azureus (a torrent downloading program) again and after a while started getting this problem again. If anyone else noticed anything similar I'd like to hear though I wouldn't know what to do about it. I hope this helps someone.
go to datels website and press contact us button or similar button and email them ur prob and ask them to send you the wifi max update disk works better and they even explain why it didnt work before
So I did the whole datel thing and this was their response: "Dear Sir Further to your email I apoligse but it seems that generally when the WIFI Max is connected and you start connecting the console online the PC's CPU usage remains at a constant rate." I'm not sure precisely what this guy wants to say but I think he means I have to live with the problem. This was his final response after some back and forth emailing. If I sould have said something in particular then I'd like to hear it. It was worth a try though. Keep the dream alive guys.