WiFi Problem...

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by Fakamaz, Apr 20, 2008.

  1. Fakamaz

    Fakamaz Member

    Mar 27, 2007
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    Hi All,
    I got myself a USB Dongle (this one) finally. Yesterday night when I tried to set it up I got some weird problems.

    When I set it to work as a Access Point, stated all allowed MAC addresses (PC with a PCI WiFi card, DS, PSP and a notebook), state a WEP - at the end I managed to connect only my PC.

    If to try to connect PSP first - it is possible, yet - PC would not be able to connect to access point later. If to connect PC and then PSP - PSP will tell something about signal quality, total inability to receive IP etc... fun thing is, if you state all the settings manually result will be the same.

    DS - here we have even more fun! It sees access point as it is, yet :
    1. Can`t connect to it saying something about settings (and they are double checked, WEP is correct etc.)
    2. Tells that acess point was not found (yet it sees it a moment ago)
    3. Flashes a signal icon for a second and then going back to 1 or 2.

    IF I deactivate any WEP, it is possible to connect DS - but all the others would not be able to connect later.

    And the last thing is, IF I connect anything but PC first, when I try to connect PC later on it would not be possible, but for the other reason. It just looses signal any next 10 secs, so it is "Authenticated", "Not authenticated","Authenticated", "Not authenticated"... etc.

    The only way to fix this is to re-set all the settings from AP...

    So here is a question, how it is possible that only 1 from 4 hardwares could actually connect to assess point? I guess they all should work at the same time?

    And - maybe someone else got similar problems with a USB dongle mentioned above?
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2008
  2. Fakamaz

    Fakamaz Member

    Mar 27, 2007
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    No one ever had a problem like this?
  3. Fakamaz

    Fakamaz Member

    Mar 27, 2007
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    C`mon! I do understand that I am doing something wrong... yet I really need a hand here. Where are you - ohh, mighty WiFi guru? *)

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