So, ive got a high speed connection at home. Ive only got one PC, so im not hooked up to a wireless network? Question - Do I need a wireless router? Or can I go a cheaper option, like this? Wireless WiFi Link USB ADAPTER For PS3/PSP/NDSL/Wii Thanks?
Yes, you can use a USB dongle like that one. I don't know about that one, however. That one is a generic and not the "official" Nintendo version. It may work just fine (it may work better, who knows) but you will probably be on your own for support. Look at just to look. You ought to be able to pick one of these up at a Best Buy or Fryes or something like that.
Great thanks.. I only just passed by that one I mentioned on ebay.. Ive read about the Nintendo version.. I just have to find one.. I live in Australia, so not as easy. But Im sure i'll find one somewhere..