will this work in dublin

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by ronan1990, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. ronan1990

    ronan1990 Guest

    hi i am going to get a box super usb and wanted to know if i flash it with the new soft ware i think it is 1.10 or something like that could i test it here in liverpool and then send it to my bro in dublin and what provider would he pick for a auto scan over there thanks
  2. sc0user

    sc0user Senior member

    May 31, 2007
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    Yes it will work but you need to flash it with the latest Beta file for Ireland. You will find it in Eamos at the end of my post. If you test it in Liverpool he will still need to factory reset it and scan again, turn keycode on. As your scanning on a Virg** feed there.

    He will more than likely scan on NT* in Dublin. Let him do it himself :)
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2009
  3. ronan1990

    ronan1990 Guest

    thanks for that i just wanted to test it here in liverpool first will the irish beta file work here and then ill just do a factory reset and send it to him
  4. sc0user

    sc0user Senior member

    May 31, 2007
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    It will but will be missing advanced recordings from the EPG. Make sure you also get a genuine box or the Beta will brick it.
  5. ronan1990

    ronan1990 Guest

    i allways get my boxes of sat and cable in liverpool do you know if they are genuine boxes that they sell thanks
  6. ronan1990

    ronan1990 Guest

    hi scouser i have just flashed my box with the beta file 1.01 and when i turn the key coad on and exit out it just says data updating and then that gos of and i am letf with just the blue backround any help would be g8 thanks or any 1 else who can help thanks
  7. dasko78

    dasko78 Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    Hello guys,

    I have a starview box 2. I am in Dublin. Is there anything I can do to get it work again? I can only see 10 channels. I thought that could see more that 20 free channels but I have only 5. Am I missing something?


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