I'm buying a Lite-on 1635 sx external 16x burner. I have only usb 1.1 on my PC. Will it work with only usb 1.1? I want to upgrade to a new computer in 6 months, but wish to use the burner now on my current PC. thanks, Bill
Burner Results will be slow and not very good. Rec is for USB 2.0 for a good reason. You can buy a USB 2.0 PCI card with 3 external and one internal 2.0 connections for $10 at Fry's Electronics and install it in a vacant PCI slot in your computer. Then connect the burner to one of your new USB 2.0 ports.
Hello, you can use your burner through 1.1 but it will be really slow I dont even know if transfer rate if enough for burning a DVD at a aceptable speed (it can last up to 40 minutes or more at 1x) so is really an unaceptable speed and wasting of time, so your best choice is (if you have a vacant PCI slot) is to get an USB 2.0 controller card that will give you 2.0 USB slots to connect your burner, and then you can take advantages of all the capabilities of your liteon burner, about if it is better external or internal, depends of your uses, of course both burners (int, ext) have same capabilities so you dont have to worry about that, but if you really dont need to be burning out of your PC or Home get an internal (less cables, + ATA will give you enough bandwith to the burner), if you really want to burn dvds out of your pc or somewhere else an external will be enough off course with the limitations of the interface (1.1 ) but it will be just the same, and off course if your tired of having it internal you can get an 3,25" external enclosure where you can connect your internal IDE drive so it works as an external one through USB 2.0 I hope it helps
they dont work better they just work faster, but remember there are many ways to convert IDE to USB 2.0 so it is true an internal is better
Thank you. I'm delaying purchase of external burner, and opting for internal burner, thereby saving many problems that may arise.
Go for it! I also reccomend you this external enclousure (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817145014) in case you want to use your internal burner as an external one