Greetings! I am currently in the process of modifying my xbox for installation in an automobile. I was wondering if the xbox would work correctly (i.e. not chew up the discs or scratch the lens) if operated at approximately a 45 degree angle measured from the front of the console to the rear. Does anyone have any experience on this topic? Thanks for any input you may have.
yup! flawlessly at that, i had my xbox on about a 60 degree andgle at times and for a while it was completly upright, you should have no problems
Ive run my xbox on its side for years, not one problem. Also install a mod and a larger drive and you wont have to worry about disc scratching ever again !!
agree, Get a modchip, get a parge HDD, then use an auto installer to format and reinstall programs and such. Put all your games on the HDD and no disc will be needed. A truely mobile system Plus if you put DVD2Xbox on it which any good autoinstaller disc will have, then you have no need to uninstall it from the car to put new games on as it will copy them from the disc to your HDD Oh happy days.
Wow, thanks! Of the mods that you discussed above, are most of them documented somewhere in these forums? I would be greatly interested in learned more about their purpose and how to perform them. Are there any draw-backs to modding?
The only potential draw back is you void your warranty, but the original xbox only comes with a 90day warranty anyways... there is plenty of tutorials and installation documentation here: and you can find all the major xbox modchips here: We also offer installation services if your not comfortable installing a chip. I do highly recommend you solder the chip in as your xbox will be at an angle all the time and well a solderless chip would come loose very easily that way
Softmods do not require a chip and can yield the same results. There are tons of good guides out there, just google "softmodding an xbox". Just another option if you are interested. In addition to voiding your warranty, your xbox will not be able to play xbox live any more (which I don't think will be a problem if you are using this in your car).
Yeah, softmodding has it's advantages. You wouldn't need to hassle through chips, and if done right, you could install a softmod for free. PM me if you'd like.
I hate to ask such a common question, but how does an auto-installer (like AID) work? Do I use its install disk first (after attaching a new hard drive and a mod chip), or do I install something like Evox first, and then use the AID installer? My second question, how do I utilize AID's v3.02 update pack? Thanks for the help, I hope these questions aren't too frustratingly common to answer!