win rar problem

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by kracker3, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. kracker3

    kracker3 Guest

    I use win rar to extract programs, music and movies but now when I extract a dvd movie it wants to freeze my computer but only on the dvd's everything else extracts ok do you know what is wrong. I reinstall win rar and still have the same problem. Like I can dl a dvd formate ok but like a retail dvd it freezes. Are they tring to stop people from dl movies and burning them?
  2. GrandpaBW

    GrandpaBW Active member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    DUH!!! You think? Actually, I doubt that it is WinRar, but you get what you pay for as far as the movies go.
  3. o1boss

    o1boss Guest

    i have never heard of using win rar 2 open files on a movie but maybe u have ??? i far as im concerned u use winrar or winzip sofware 2 open commpressed files or known as zipped files!! but anyways why do u want 2 use winrar anyways 2 burn a dvd???
  4. kracker3

    kracker3 Guest

    No I dl movies and they come in rar files but I was wondering if there tring to put bugs in the new movies coming to video so you can't burn them. Like the movies that are about to hit the video stores.
  5. o1boss

    o1boss Guest

    i dont understand what u mean by dl movies???
  6. kracker3

    kracker3 Guest

    I mean I download movies from a movie site. When I use win rar I test the rar and it's ok but when I extract the rar file my computer freezes up. But it's only on the movies that's about to hit the movie stores.
  7. o1boss

    o1boss Guest

    hey listen i have never heard of anyone doing that but all i can say is give me the site 2 do what u r doing and i will try it with winrar and if i succeed i will let u know.also maybe u can try winzip that software does the same thing pretty if u want 2 give me the site please post . i acually wouldnt mind knowing how 2 get the movies b 4 they hit the store!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks o1boss
  8. kracker3

    kracker3 Guest

    well for one it's a pay site. Newzbin/ 50 cents a week newsleecher/ $30 year winrar, quickpar Check this out like the return: if I download the dvd retail of this when I extract it freezes but if I download xvid(only movie) I'm ok. Maybe I'll just have to dl the xvids and then convert them to dvd then burn them.
  9. o1boss

    o1boss Guest

    but u r getting the movies b 4 they hit the store???thats pretty wierd???i did not know they had a site u pay 4 2 get unreleased movies?thats sweet if im right. im gonna c if i can get this off of lime wire b 4 i pay 4 it!!!!!!!! thanks o1boss
  10. kracker3

    kracker3 Guest

    you know lime wire is share ware and newsleecher is direct connection, which means that you can dl as fast as your connection will allow you. I have dsl which sucks but I dl at 350kbs. when I had cable I was hitting over 700kbs.

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