win XP opens files slow

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by pinkerton, Mar 9, 2003.

  1. pinkerton

    pinkerton Member

    Jan 14, 2003
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    I ave installed windows XP over win 2000 and now files take approx 35 secs to open?!! I have a geforce 4 32mb crd, 512 ddr ram and athlon xp 1.8GB processor. So why wont it run?!
    (the XP is downloaded from the net, i have a feeling this may be the problem!)
    But if you know why let me know!

    Thanks a million
    -seb :)
  2. hk2npck

    hk2npck Regular member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    back up your files and do a fresh install. If that doesnt work...than its either the windows or your computer. in any case....i would always recomend getting a real copy of xp. They are always the best. My computer had more than the minimum requirements....yet for some kept freezing in the middle of the instalation. If its your computer.....stik with windows 2k. Thats what i did.
  3. fruitfly

    fruitfly Member

    Feb 8, 2003
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    It's been my experience in the past that upgrading you OS doesn't go well. Just format and reinstall (after backing up the files of course). I doubt the prob is that it was downloaded, although you could try redownloading it I guess.
  4. pinkerton

    pinkerton Member

    Jan 14, 2003
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    Cheers :). Win 2K worked spot on when i had it, trouble is i've lost the disk. Never mind. I'll try reinstallin' XP.

    thanks again

  5. monzaman

    monzaman Guest

    Theres an art to successfully installing XP (Pro) and you either know it or you don't.

    If you don't know the art you will NEVER get a stable XP OS running...doh!

    So first thing (after backing up your data) is remove any fancy graphics cards (like yours) and put in an old PCI card instead. Make sure any onboard LAN or Modems are DISABLED and DIDSABLE video shadowing in the BIOS. Whilst in the BIOS check your ram and processor FSB speeds. If you are using pc133 memory clock the FSB at 100 NOT 133!!! DDR USUALY works fine if a reputable brand. NOTE never use cheep memory XP will NOT like it!!!

    Now ensure that the only card installed in the mobo is the PCI graphics card (remeber to change the BIOS to PCI port not AGP port) if you have a MOBO with onboard video DONT use any cards at all.

    Now boot up the pc and put in the XP disc. When you get to the format part select NT FULL format (not quick format UNLESS you are positive that you have no viruses or trojans on your HD).

    XP should now install without a hitch. Note if you are still getting probs check the PSU rating and if it is LESS than 250 watts unplug any unneccessary CD or DVD drives and consider getting a better PSU or case!!

    One last thing. If your XP disc is errr dodgy DO NOT use ANY Microsoft updates AT ALL!!!!! AND NEVER try and install SP1 as you will be doomed forever!!!!!!

    Once XP is installed THEN you can put in your AGP card and modems etc BUT do them one at a time with KNOWN good (signed) drivers.

    I know its long winded but XP has critical internal timing (its not 98SE!!) when installing. All these people who say XP is rubbish just do NOT KNOW what they are talking about and are usaually trying to install with a recent AGP card, but unfortunately for them XP does not carry the advanced drivers that these cards require.

    P.S. UPGRADING the OS is pointless ALWAYS do a FRESH install of any OS regardless of what the salesman or Microsoft tell you. Think about it where does all the rubbish go on the HD when you upgrade??


  6. monzaman

    monzaman Guest

    Addendum to above

    Remeber 256k of memory is a minimum for XP and when installing use only ONE memory stick.

    Also keep the side cover off of the case whilst installing XP as heat has a nasty habit of corrupting your install (heat alters the processor speed slightly but just enough to destroy an XP install [checksums]as its processor intesive IE and mucho heat generated!!)

    And one more thing after installing XP over 20 times on various machines (no not the same one) I can assure you that EVERY install is slightly different depending on your pc configuration!

    And finally if you see a BSOD with IRQ_NOT_EQUAL_TO read it points to having too many cards or disk drives on your pc during install AND/OR cheep memory or 133 memory not down clocked to 100!!!

    PS. XP requires power and absolute stability to install properly and having disk drives/graphic cards/modems/LANS/additional cooling fans etc will corrupt your installation as they sap power from the PSU. You may not THINK they they are in use before the OS is installed so how come you CD drive works then?
  7. monzaman

    monzaman Guest

    Extra Addendum

    For all you thicko's out there who think I'm talking claptrap remember this, XP was written BEFORE any GF4 or Radeon 8.5/9series so how can you expect the OS to recognize your (newish) card correctly? AGP cards are now about 5 to 6 times more powerful (read hungry & power crazy) than they where when XP was started (2000) THINK ABOUT IT!!!!

  8. pinkerton

    pinkerton Member

    Jan 14, 2003
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    So basicaly I have to "de-grade" my pc to get XP working? I dont have a pci card!? My friends computer has xp and his works fine.he has a better pc too! Even my brothers (who is using the same copy)works fine too.
    For example an .mp3, .jpg, .exe takes 35 secs to open!!!! Ive timed it. By the time my mp3s are playing the moment has passed and I need to go to bed! LOL.
    [bold]thanks for your theories people[/bold].
    Back to win 2K for me....
  9. monzaman

    monzaman Guest


    Basically YES. To understand why read my post at the link below. There is NOTHING wrong with XP whatsover its a great OS if installed correctly!

    Do not think of it as a downgrade just a process to ensure a perfect XP install.
  10. pinkerton

    pinkerton Member

    Jan 14, 2003
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    I'll try that thanks, but before i do... when i try to open help or system info (in accessories) nothing happens... nothing at all. Could it simply be that my XP is a dodgy copy (i'll stress again its from the net...gulp!)

    -seb :)
  11. hk2npck

    hk2npck Regular member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    I tried what you told me to do....I did get past the part i couldn't before...but....after copying the files to the hard drive and said restarting setup and then gave me a black screen with a multi colored line across the screen....any suggestions??

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