Win XP RE-instalation problems

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by o0chris0o, Jul 22, 2007.

  1. o0chris0o

    o0chris0o Member

    Jul 22, 2007
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    Ok...i need to re install xp on my comp... so when i reboot ... i press F12 select boot from CD it then says press any key to continue.... i do.... with the xp instalation disk from dell once i press any key... it goes to a black screen and nothing happens. (PLEASE HELP)

    Oh.. and i also have linux running on a partion of my hd, thats how im on the internet right now, cause my windows partion wont even let me do anything from my desktop it just freezes up...

    I really want to start clean and install just XP please help me
  2. stephen02

    stephen02 Guest

    i had a dell pc and it had a disk but it didnt install windows xp it was just a dell restore disk. All i can think of is get a hold of a real xp disk and install it lol. (or even a hookey copy)

    Once again try to boot from the dell disk, or try just leaving it in the drive and see if it boots itself lol.

    MUNKYEARS Regular member

    Feb 2, 2007
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    hey man i have a dell too press f12 on boot and go to disk utils and select diagnostics

    or try using ghost... you might be able to rescue ya disc...

    try formatting it using windows if ghost works

    or take ya hard drive out and put it in slave or cable select in someone elses pc then if you boot their pc and it should find ur hard drive... if not then try find it in device manager...

    then format then shove it in ur pc and reinstall

    or or or or try getting a new dvd drive or even a cd drive then try again

    good luck

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