Win XP stops working after End task failure

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by ledeni, Jun 3, 2007.

  1. ledeni

    ledeni Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Last few weeks a have had really annoying problems when some program stops responding and I had to terminate it using task manager through End task.
    Every second time when I terminate some program I do succeed to terminate it (after one or 2 times) but then dwwin.exe (and often dumprep.exe) process is still running and from that time on I literally cannot start any new program - I can just use what's opened. For instance, when I try to start MS Word (or any other, Mozilla or whatsoever), I see the appropriate process has been started (it uses memory and is visible on task manager), but there is no visual sign of it (no window and is not on the taskbar) so I cannot actually use it. And that's not all - I cannot Shut down or Restart or Log off through Windows either, so the only thing to do is to Reboot by pressing the button!
    Sometimes windows works just fine, but the program I terminated cannot be started until I reboot.
    Everything happens "on random". For instance, some programs gets an error so I terminate it, start it again, terminate it, but third or fourth time I cannot due to above mentioned windows problem.

    I'm using Windows XP SP2.
    Is this a Windows XP problem?
  2. britz660

    britz660 Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Thats windows ha

    When stuff like that happens I usually start by looking at which processes in task manager are consuming the most resources as far as CPU and ram are concerned. Also add in taskmanger view panel the ability to see IO Reads and Writes and maybe you'll be able to nail down the culprit. Running CCleaner and maybe defragging might help too.

    But your best bet is probably to buy more ram and/or use less programs at once.

    Also look at the programs you have open when it occurs and see if you can find some common denominator. I had similar problems with Outlook because it was having a hard time negotiating with my IMAP server and it would freeze down the whole computer. If you can single it out to a certain program then it might be easier to find a solution based on problems other people have had with that program.
  3. ledeni

    ledeni Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    I have 1 GB RAM which is more than enough, because I had computers running 128 MB and it was working "ok".
    Let me clear something, the problem is not with the computer performance (everything works without difficulties) - CPU usage is < 5% and RAM is fine. The problem is with starting applications - when I start some program/application it immediately loads into RAM but there is no window in the taskbar or on the screen. I tried restarting explorer.exe but the problem is that as I said I cannot start explorer.exe again then; like I said, the only functionality is with the open programs/applicatoins/processes, nothing that must be started/run is unable to function properly.
  4. britz660

    britz660 Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    That can be caused by existing applications that are running bugging out, what programs do you normally have open when this happens. Like i said before, outlook caused me to have the exact same scenario your describing

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