winamp soft by track???

Discussion in 'Audio' started by hakayami, Nov 26, 2005.

  1. hakayami

    hakayami Guest

    can winamp soft tracks by tracks??? i know this sounds like a newbie question, but i hear it's possible, but i don't know how it would work.
    so can this happen?

    im not talking about rename the file to be something like this

    modest mouse - Sad Sappy Sucker - Track 2 - Four Fingered Fisherman
    (artist - album - track - title of song)
  2. weazel200

    weazel200 Regular member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    I dont quite understand what your asking. I think WinAmp can rename tracks but the best tagging program is called Tag & Rename. Just google it.
  3. hakayami

    hakayami Guest

    like in winamp, you can sort by artist, title, or filename. do you know what i mean??? i would like winamp to sort by track number. like what windows media player does (sort by track number of the album.)

    did i example it better now? sorry for the confusion before. >.<

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