Hi, Sometimes my winavi works fine... after fresh install, shut down everything else including internet, do adaware scans. But after a few conversions... winavi shuts down with windows error page and mostly states something about the libavcodec.dll. I also experience the same issue with Nero Vision at the same time. I am starting to think it is time to completely write off using winavi... but for some reason, I don't actually think it is the application. I have a hunch that it is something within my windows that is causing grief. About 6 months ago, I had my computer cleaned out by a shop and everything ran smooth and fast. Now after a bunch of downloads and attempted conversions it is a snail again and crashing. I read that avi's can cause issues within windows...is this correct? My computer has a backround noise... as if something is running in the background... not sure if this is relevent? AMD ATHLON XP 2000+ 1.7Ghz 1G RAM
Perhaps you should take a look here: http://icrontic.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-8699.html Hope this helps!