Ok, so I've gathered from Google that this is a common topic on a lot of forums, but the advice seems varied. So, I'm asking your opinion... I have a Dell XPS M1530 that I us for watching TV/Movies, listening to music, surfing the internet, and the occasional recoding of video for my psp and ipod. I rarely play games on it (xbox360 has that covered) and I really don't have any freaky hardware configurations. I'm currently backing up everything to install Windows 7 as a primary. I'm going to do a clean install and wipe everything else out. It seems for my usage, Windows 7 is pretty stable. Can I get some feedback about the sanity of what I'm about to do?
I cant recommend you use it as an everyday OS because while it is fairly stable Windows 7 is not finished and may contain many bugs. Instead I recommend a multi-boot install in case things go wrong like they did with my computer however it is all up to you.
I've had absolutely no problems with Windows 7, but I too have installed it as a secondary (Made a new partition for it - Only 40gb). I would suggest you do the same (If you need any help with partitioning just ask)
Yeah it was good while it wanted to run but after a while, Windows XP was just easier to use (7 was too slow and not very stable)
Runs wonderfully fast with me Boots quicker and loads programs quicker than XP, though that's probably because I haven't installed many programs on it. Also, all programs I've tried have worked fine aside from that my wireless network seems to connect slower.
Yeah it was probably my computer itself really seeing as it is 3 or 4 years old(cant remember exactly) but still 3 to 4 isn't much and it has 2 gigs of ram and a decent cpu.