Wat up guys, i did alil research and hey, is there a way in which i can Run windows 95 on my XBOX ? like a dual boot, but on a softmodded xbox. Is it possible ?
I wouldn't doubt it if you could. I saw a torrent on Blackcats with a way to run Windows 98 on the Xbox. It seemed pretty complicated, but it looked like it could be done.
It's just possible, but in reality no.. for many long and complicated reasons. I have run 95 in the dosbox emulator, it's slow and unstable. Why would anybody want to run an antiquated OS anyway? 95 was pretty crap, and it's not like you can do anything worthwhile with it. Stick to xebian or dsl..reasonably up to date, and they have all the linux apps available, unlike 95 which you will have to look long and hard to find compatable software for. The xbox doesn't make a good pc, not enough memory and a custom instruction set for the hardware, plus no printer port and a very funky set of input only usb compatable controller ports. By the time you put all the hardware together (usb keyboard and mouse, connector cables or swap the xbox ports for usb) it's cheaper to buy an old yardsale pc (or go dumpster diving) that will run 95/98 without any problem. I don't understand why the recurring obsession with turning an obsolete games console into a seriously bottom of the range pc.. It beggars belief how many times I have seen this question asked.. Final word.. If it could be done, and worked well the internet would be full of kids shouting it from the rooftops... And before anybody asks. NO!! you can't run xp either. (just because you can load the desktop doesn't mean you can use anything...not enough ram)
you can get windows on xbox even windows 98 but trust me its a big wast of time plus thats what we have pc's for anyways look on google for windows 98 for box something like that but it is ponitless when most pc's have xp
i know this would never happen but if you could get get a win OS running then you could possibly turn an old Xbox into a server for Halo or suchlike. mmm Personal playground
benhayden care to tell more i got a old pc that io dont use i could turn that into a sever if i get a network card for it i could leave it running